The intrusion


I go to the corner of the side of the house--the same place where he met me the last time and I wait for him. Ashina talked about him today. She seems to have noticed him too, and when she mentioned him, I didn't even want to hear about it. Ashina and I aren't as close as we used to be, but that is all on me and the things I have done. I know she tries to be there for me, but when your heart dies, the love you have for everyone dies with it.

I will always be protective of her, I will always make sure she is happy, but I don't know how to love her or anyone again.

I snap out of my thoughts and look up at the stars. It is almost a full moon. The sky is dark and very soothing. Thinking about being in his arms again tonight is the only thing I am looking forward to.

It is the only thing that excites me.

In a week, we will be out of here and I will be back in the confinement of my community. The place that has become a prison for me and the other members. I know they are all miserable under my reign, but they all fear me too much to contest or fight me.

If they could dethrone me, it is something that they would have done a long time ago.

I will not step down because being the Alpha is the only control I have of my life and no one is going to take that away from me. The only thing I have is power. The only thing I want is power. So no matter what they do, no matter what anyone says, I will always keep standing my ground.

"Hey," I look up as he walks over to me, and there is a nervous expression on his face.

A smile slowly found its way to mine because I knew he was going to show up. He wants to deny this, but he feels the same way that I do, and that is what excites me about this. This is not being one-sided, this is everything that awakens my soul.

"How long have you been waiting,'' he whispers, afraid to make noise. He doesn't want us to be caught. Like I told him, I don't care if anyone sees me with him. I have nothing to lose, I am not afraid of what people say. I have lived my whole life with people's assumptions about me. This will not change anything.

"Not too long," I stretch my hands out and his eyes dart to them. "Come here,'' I order him because he is too far away from me. His eyes look around before he obeys me and grabs my hand. I bring him closer until his scent fills my nostrils. I remember the night he left me and how much i craved his scent. He is in my grasp, and all I want to do is steal him away and keep him as mine.


My wolf growls.


He repeats.

The possessiveness is one I have never seen before. My wolf is involved in this as much as I am. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know anything anymore.

"You smell like chocolate. Why do you always smell like chocolate?'' He groans into my arms as I hold him tightly. He has no idea how I feel, but it is almost like he is mirroring my thoughts and emotions.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a bar of Hershey's. Slowly, I unwrap it and he watches me with so much curiosity.

"I always have chocolate on me. I am a sweet tooth by nature, I guess,'' I place the bar in between his lips and he takes a bite of it, smiling as the deliciousness melts in his mouth. My eyes stay fixed on his lips. They are lightly chapped but pink and very luscious. I lean forward and a gasp escapes his lips as I press mine to his, tasting the chocolate inside his mouth. I push my tongue past his teeth, and they grate against each other as we explore each other's mouths. By God, I am addicted to this man. He feels so good in my arms.

"We should go to your room, someone might see us," he breathes heavily as he voices out his concern.

Fuck everyone, I don't care who sees.


I will not say what is on my mind because there is no point in it. This is fun, with no strings attached. I don't want to give him the wrong idea. We enter the room, and I flick the light switch on as I close the door quietly. I don't want to wake anyone.

"I've always wanted to try something,'' he says quietly, with a gleam in his eyes. My heart thuds in my chest because I like the way he is looking at me.

"What?" I manage huskily. I am so turned on just knowing what is about to happen.

He stands in front of me, and I watch him as he slowly gets on his knees, his eyes never leaving mine. With his hands on my hips, he slowly moves me back till my back hits the wall. His hands rest on my shorts, tracing the button with his fingers. He unclasps it and slowly starts to pull it down, revealing my cock. His eyes widen as he lets out a soft gasp.

"God, you truly are magnificent," he whispers, as his hand moves towards it, gently stroking it. I grunt softly. His soft hand feels amazing against my growing erection. Soon he has a nice rhythm going, his hand moving up and down my shaft, I wait for his mouth, and the moment he takes me inside his mouth, I lose all control. I am a groaning mess as I feel him immediately exploring me with his hot, wet and eager mouth, sucking me in and all I can do is bury my hand in his soft, light-brown hair, pleading for more.

"Yes Col, just like that," I direct him as he takes me deeper, feeling the back of his throat against my head. At this point, I am moaning like crazy, but only loud enough so that he is not distracted from my pleasure, despite the fact that I am multitasking and using my reserve of willpower to keep myself quiet. I want to make him scream with pleasure too, and I will.

I am so engrossed in him and all that is happening that I don't hear the door open. I don't notice Griffen until he calls my name in surprise. Colin pulls my cock out of his mouth but it is too late because I feel my release as it splatters all over his face.

I turn to Griffen and his eyes are open wide in shock at the display in front of him.