The man in the ooze


This is like watching a movie and there is no way to turn it off. I don't even know who this man is but it seems like he is aggravating the evil wolf. I have been inside my head for a week now and I haven't even gotten the chance to meet the person behind the wolf. I know this is a werewolf, I also know that magic was involved in this but I don't know why.

Things are different today, somehow, I can sense my surroundings. I smell my father's scent and Lo's scent. They are so close but also so far away. The air around me is cold.

"What is happening?'' I ask my wolf, who is just as helpless as I am. We have been in this thing together, if this doesn't solidify our bond, I don't know what else will.

"I don't know. He is angry,'' he tells me even though the old man in my view seems angrier.