Fucked up love


"I love you, Lo.''

I say goodbye to him and I see the pain in his eyes. I feel like I broke him. He is hurting. I am hurting. We are both hurting.

"Come on son,'' Dad tells me even though he has been patient enough.

I have been holding lo for about fifteen minutes now and I don't want to let go of him.

"You will come to see me at the community," I remind him. "This is goodbye for now, not forever."

He nods.

He is trying to keep his composure. I have noticed that in front of other people, he doesn't like to show emotions. He has built a wall around him, one that no one else but me can penetrate. That should make me feel special but it only makes me sad.

I want to know what happened to him.

I want to know his past, and what happened to his mate but I feel like now is not the time to get all that information. I want to know what happened to him, and why his mate died.

"Call me when you get home?''

I nod.