Colm and his questions


"Get rid of the bodies,'' I tell the guard on duty. They all look at me and I see the confusion on their faces. 

One of them finally speaks up "Are we not sending them to their pack?'' Lenny asks me. 

I frown "I am not wasting my time or effort on this; these people came here for a fight. They don't deserve that respect.

Ink walks over to me "Lowell, I think you should think this through. We already have too many enemies as is. The more we act like we are ruthless, the more enemies we will get." 

I look around and all I want to do is get rid of everything before Col wakes up. I can't have him seeing what I did. It is bad enough that it already happened. He might just be able to stand the sight of all the bodies. The blood, the smell of death. 

"I am not sending them back. I am not going to keep showing them weakness."