The mind game


"You know what you need to do,'' I tell Ralph and all he does is nod his head slowly. The plan is simple, the plan might backfire but I want to trust the process. Col seems to think that this is going to work and I want to believe in him completely.

Rek is already in the basement and the fact that he agreed to give the blood back without a fight just makes this even easier. I don't know what his deal is but there is something going on that he is not telling me and I will get to the bottom of it. I watch Ralph as he walks away and I turn to Col who has a smile on his face, he has had this expression on his face since I took a stand.

I did it for him.

I would have turned a blind eye if it was someone else in the pack. I wouldn't have given a shit but with him, I would do anything. We are outside Ralph's house. The sky is getting dark and the wind on my skin gives me chills.