The stopover


The drive is quiet. 

I didn't know it was this far away. When they took me, they used magic, so it was instant. Now we are in a car, all cramped up and I am tired. The fact that we are going to the moonlight pack is making this even a longer distance. 

"Can we make a stop?" I ask quietly. 

Lo looks at me even though I am in his arms, resting on his shoulder. He tightens his grip on me and it soothes me for a little while. 

"Are you tired baby?" he asks concerned. 

I nod my head, I am not really tired but I just want to be out of this car and maybe alone with Lo. I have missed him so much, spending some time with him without everyone else is something that I wouldn't mind. 

"Griff, can we make a stop at the next hotel you see?" Lo finally speaks up, deciding to give in to me.