

This feels like therapy. 

I don't need this. 

"I can live with my choice; I have been living with my choice." I shake the dark thoughts out of my head. 

He is not going to bring them out of me. 

No one is ever going to see me vulnerable again. 

"Yeah. then you have nothing to worry about.'' 

"If you think I have nothing to worry about, why are we here?"

He brought me into this tent because he felt like I needed fixing. They think I am broken, even though I am better this way. 

No one knows what happened that night Roman died. 

No one knows what I did in the bathroom and no one will ever know. 

"Would you believe me if I said your father threatened me to do this with you?" he is smiling even though he is covered in sweat. 

"Yeah, my dads think I am broken.'' 

He shakes his head "Do you think you are broken?"

I shake my head.