"That's impossible, dragons have been extinct for years. There has to be a way to find out what she truly is". Ivan countered.
Silvia suddenly stopped pacing and locked gazes with her son as though his sentence had struck a chord.
'Mermaids. She thought to herself.
" Melina seemed to have seen the future"
"she knew she was going to die, she knew I would one day meet Snow, She knew I would help to regain her memory... She told me to help Snow look for her flame and looked up as if she knew I was watching her". She continued while pacing.
" witches can't see the future..... They can't mess with time, they can only look through memories .... Right? Anna tried to reason along with her mum.
" How was she able to know about the future..... Unless ...she... She tapped into black magic". She finished as she looked at her mum waiting for an explanation.
" Melina would never do that.....Silvia paused. There are other creatures who can see the future. She probably went to the mermaids. Mermaids control water, water can heal, keep memories and help the mermaids in telling the future".
"If that is true....we can also find out about Snow's identity by asking the mermaids". Ivan added
"Witches and Mermaids don't get along ... Long ago the mermaids occupied a lake in one of the covens, the head of the coven captured them and asked them why they trespassed.
The mermaids told them that the humans had contaminated their home and had come to the coven to seek refuge, they didn't know it was already occupied. The head of the coven shared the lake with the mermaids but one evening the head of the coven found out about the mermaids ability to see the future and had asked the mermaids to read his future, the mermaids denied him of his request saying that if he finds out about his future and decides to change it, it will wreak havoc.
This made the head of the coven angry and declared war on the mermaids but because the mermaids were in his coven they were outnumbered and lost the fight. Ever since then Mermaids and Witches never got along. Silvia finished her story with a sigh.
" So how was Melina able to make them tell her about the future??. Cade argues.
" Melina was always pure, innocent and kind ....I won't be surprised if she had rendered help to the Mermaids in dire times and they decided to pay her back by telling her about the future". Silvia said with a sad smile on her face.
"Or they probably helped because they knew something big was coming for both humans and mystical creatures and that Snow would somehow help in saving the world?? Anna added.
" Melina said her existence will save the lives of both humans and other mythical creatures. When she finds Silvia she will put her through her journey .....That's what you told us right?? She asks
" if you're right it means the mermaids will probably be waiting for us to ask them about Snow since they know about the future". Ivan nodded, agreeing with what Anna said.
" We shall visit the mermaids when the time is right but for now Snow needs our help. Till then you all should do your research on Dragons. They all nodded in agreement.
Snow woke up from her sleep ...she didn't move or shake from her spot for a long time and when she did, she pulled her knees to her chest and kept muttering to herself
" I'm not a curse, I'm not a curse.."
She didn't know what to feel. Happy? Sad? Relieved? Anger??
"Why did mother erase my memory.... What am I ... Why did she leave so early"
She looked around the new room, it had things from her room at home. She went to one of the boxes and opened it, in it were the pictures of her and her mother, she arranged them neatly on her cupboard.
She looked back into the boxes and scowled at the picture of her step father, picked it and tore it to pieces. A little smile rested upon her lips at the locket the locket her mum gave her, it contained the smiling face of her mother.
She continued arranging her stuff until the ringtone of her phone made her stop.
The loud shrieking from the other side made her regret picking the call.
Bosili : What the hell is wrong with you?! I should have gotten used to you leaving and not telling me about your whereabouts but I can't. You didn't even CALL!!
Snow: she sighs, When are you going to leave New York??
Bosili: Did you not hear what I just said.... And why do you want me to leave in a hurry.. Are you okay?
Snow: Am fine, I just wanted you to go back to China in time to join Mrs lu wen at the lantern festival.... But since you still wanna babysit me she can go with another person.
Bosili: ermmm, he chuckles nervously.
"You'll be twenty next month, right? I don't need to babysit you anymore... But I promise to call you ..okay ... Take good care of yourself.. Byee
Snow : Bye Bosili.
It's been a week since I've been in my room just staying in my room enjoying the view from my windowpane.
Every morning, afternoon and night a meal is always placed in front of my door.
I grabbed my vape from my cupboard, grabbed a jacket and left my room. I got to the kitchen and everyone stared except for Ivan, he looked lost in thought. I hope he's planning suicide.
Silvia drops her coffee mug, rushes to give me a hug "Oh sweetie you look skinny, why don't you sit and let me cook you a satisfying meal"
I didn't return the hug but I felt warm inside.
"I'm not hungry, thanks. I just wanna step out a bit" I said quickly before leaving the house.
I needed to clear my head... I've not been able to sleep for a week because of the nightmares.
I walked into the Forest at the back of the house until I reached a beautiful clearing.
It was as if I walked into Midnight which is weird cause when I left the house it was pretty sunny.
The clear path led to a skyline- slate lake with a mirror clear surface. It lay in the middle of the forest quiet, gently and like an old mirror it held the reflection of the midnight sky with luminous snowflakes of crystals in it.
Fireflies danced around its surface mixing with the shimmering reflection of the crystal stars. A sap sweet smell mixed with the wet bark scent of the forest made me feel peace and comfortable.
I sat on one of the huge rocks that surrounded the lake like the regal crown of the earth.
The vape smoke clouded my sight but I could see the outline of an animal, ..... I think. I didn't really care cause at this moment nothing mattered to me.