Chapter 20~Representative

"Thank you for trusting me and defending me! Thank you guys!"said Mina as she cries loudly

Annette hugs her tightly.

Mina cries deeply in her embrace.

"Mina stop feeling sad, you look more beautiful with a smile."said Alise as she tried to make her smile

Mina sniffed her nose and tried to hold back her tears but she couldn't do it.

Mina began to burst out in tears again and said"I am not feeling sad, in fact, I'm feeling incredibly happy that I can't seem to stop crying."

Looking at Mina's miserable state, they couldn't help but find it very funny. Alise, Lian and Annette began to laugh.

William approaches Mina, he took out a packet of tissue and offered it to Mina.

"Please use these tissues, if you need more, I have another packet of tissue as well. So please don't hesitate to use them."said William with a smile on his face

Mina looked at William and she felt gratitude towards him. He was the one who trusted her and he was also the one who helped her.

Mina smiled brightly and said"Thank you!"

She took the packet of tissue and used it.

She saw everyone looking at her with a smile, her heart felt warm and full.

I am no longer alone....she thought to herself.

At the same time,

Haisy was feeling so horrible and depressed, she looked at Mina being surrounded by many friendly people. She looked at herself and mocked herself.

Haisy mistakenly made an eye contact with Annette, she quickly stopped looking at Mina.

Haisy wanted to leave but suddenly she felt someone touching her shoulder.

Haisy turns back and sees Annette.

"Haisy, do you really think that Mina was the reason why your younger sister is in that state?"asked Annette with a calm tone

Haisy feels confused and frustrated, she lashes out on Annette fiercely

"How do you know my younger sister? Don't you dare talk about my younger sister if you know nothing about her!"

Then she quickly leaves the classroom.

Annette looks at Haisy's back with pity and heartache.

After investigating Mina's past history, she found out a very saddening truth behind the real reason they broke up. Misunderstanding and the unfortunate circumstances made their friendship like that...

Mina cheerfully calls Annette.

Annette goes back to Mina's side.

Alise whispers to Annette

"What were you doing with Haisy? Did she do something wrong? What happened?"asked Alise

Annette just smiled and shrugged it off.

Alise did not ask any further questions, since she blindly trust Annette and believes in her.

Miss Smith approaches Mina and smiles

"I'm very proud of you!"

Mina could feel that her compliment was genuine, so she shyly smiles back.

"Miss Smith, I just realized that you haven't tried my food yet, can you please give it a taste?"asked Mina as she offers her dish to her.

Miss Smith looks at the homey dish and uses the spoon to taste it.

Miss Smith did not say anything, her tears began to fall.

"Miss Smith, are you okay?"asked Mina with concern

Miss Smith looked at Mina with so much emotions and says"Thank you Mina, thank you so much! You have no idea how much your food has done for me... Thank you!"

Mina felt confused, but happy that her food had brought joy to Miss Smith.

"Miss Smith why did you cry?"asked Alise curiously

Miss Smith smiled.

"It's because Mina's curry rice has brought back my sense of taste.

When I got sick, I lost my sense of taste, I thought that I will recover but I never did, no matter what I ate, I couldn't taste or smell anything. However, today after eating Mina's dish, I could finally taste something after 2 years....

Mina, I'm really grateful to you! I hope that you will represent our school and go to the cooking competition."said Miss Smith with enthusiasm

Mina felt very happy but she immediately declined the offer.

Miss Smith was shocked and asked her the reason behind rejecting her offer.

"Sorry, Miss Smith, but I can't accept your offer because if I do represent our school, I might end up destroying the whole competition. Although, my curry rice taste absolutely delicious, but the rest of my food that I try to cook ends up in a disaster like the usual stuff."explained Mina regarding her situation

Miss Smith felt very sad and depressed.

"Miss Smith, I can recommend someone who can actually cook and his cooking is in no way inferior than mine."said Mina as she tries to cheer Miss Smith

Miss Smith suddenly regains her composure and ask Mina regarding that person.

Mina smiles brightly and points to Lian.

"Miss Smith, the person I want to recommend is Senior Lian! He bakes and cooks delicious food, everyone who tries his food loves it!"said Mina with enthusiasm.

Miss Smith looks at Lian and feels surprised.

"Can you really cook?"ask Miss Smith

Lian looks at Miss Smith and nods his head.

Miss Smith immediately requested Lian to cook something easy and fast.

At the same moment, many students were still talking about Halfen's situation.....

Miss Smith notices that the class was becoming very loud and noisy so she immediately tells them to stop talking and start cooking waffles.

The students immediately listen to Miss Smith"s instructions as they don't want to provoke her, since they all know that Miss Smith is a very scary teacher if angered.

The students also noticed that the infamous school bully was actually cooking.

Lian begins to cook a simple stir fry vegetables and serves it with rice.

Miss Smith had been observing Lian very carefully, and she was very surprised by how smooth and swift his actions were, while cooking.

Miss Smith looks at the plate and she uses chopsticks to taste the dish.

Miss Smith was so surprised, she looked at Lian with shinning eyes and praises him

"Lian you are an amazing cook, how come I never knew about your talent?"

All of the students were shocked, they couldn't believe that Miss Smith just praised Lian's cooking.

Lian looked at Miss Smith and said"Thank you!"

Miss Smith smiled.

"Lian, are you willing to join the interschool cooking competition and represent our school?"asked Miss Smith

Lian politely declined.

Miss Smith looked sad.

Annette felt bad for Miss Smith and she also felt that it was a pity that Lian doesn't join the competition, after all she knows that Lian's food taste absolutely delicious!

"Lian, why don't you participate in this competition? I am fully confident that you will will the competition, so why don't you please participate in the competition? Please...."begged Annette

"Yeah, Lian. Your food taste absolutely delicious and tasty. So you must participate in this competition to help us raise our school reputation!"said Alise

"Yes! Senior Lian! You must participate in this competition because I also believe that you can win."said Mina with confidence

Lian sighed and he deeply contemplated for a while, before he agreed to participate in the competition.

Miss Smith was over the moon.

She called everyone in the class to try Lian's food.

All of the students doubtfully went and tried the food.

They felt like crying because the food was too delicious! They really wanted to eat more, but unfortunately there was just too less food.

They gave Lian puppy eye looks.....

Lian felt awkward and looked away from them.

"So, what do you guys think about his food? Don't you find it delicious? Isn't his food great?"said Miss Smith with a smirk.

Everyone began to declare their love for his food and shamelessly began to beg for more....

Lian completely ignored their behaviour.

Miss Smith chuckled and declared to everyone.

"Since, all of you already gave your approval to his dish, then I'm happy to announce that Lian will be representing our school in the upcoming interschool cooking competition! He will be the representative."

Everyone cheered loudly and were full of approval!