Why is it so difficult?

"No" I say as I go to Haruto's office to clear my mind a little and I see his assistant having intercourse with someone.

Seriously? I said with a bored expression on my face.

"Akio! I can explain I was just helping her."

Helping her at what? At fucking? Everyone can do that, don't think I'm that naive,I may look like I'm naive but I'm actually more professional at this than you. Just recognise the fact that you are just searching for a good fuck.

"I recognise."

See? It's not that hard. But I have a little advice,next time fuck in another place,not that I have a personal problem with the fact that you pull bitches is just that I don't like to see someone fucking in other people's offices. Is there a problem with that? I whisper softly in the assistants ear

You better listen or I'll make sure you get fired.

"Ok,I will never do this again." She says as the girl that was standing on the table quickly takes her things and leaves.

You never learn how to behave?

"You are acting like you are my mom,you act like you gave birth to me to tell me what to do,if my boss didn't blackmail you into marrying him, you wouldn't even be here to rule over the company or to rule over me. I don't even know why I'm listening to you. I guess it's because I'm really helpless at the moment."

Why exactly are you helpless?

"Do I really need to give you details on everything I do? I'm helpless because I'm having a hard time. You've got a problem with this too?"

No,but let's put your sex life in another day today I have an important announcement to make,not exactly an announcement more like,I have a mission for you and me.

"Can't you do it alone? I have an important meeting at 9 so I don't think I'll be able to make it."

You're honestly so dumb,listen,we have to save some people.

"Who do you think I'm,wonder woman?"

No but we still need to.

"This isn't a thing Haruto will do,he will probably do the opposite and by the opposite I mean that he'll never sacrifice his departments for some people."

He literally made this request.

"Are you sure you're not lying in his name?"

I'm sure.

"Why so cold,be more fragile. Be more naive,be more like a criminal."

How can a criminal possibly be fragile and naive? Maybe your referring to your former girlfriend.

"Why are you talking about her,when I told you about her was just because we were alone that time and I was drunk and almost..."

You don't need to remind me.

"I know but I'm still embarrassed of what I was about to do."

You shouldn't it's just that I was able to understand you better that she did, you're reaction was just an attachment one,is not necessarily that you tried to do it with me.

"Ok,can you possibly give me more information about what you're expecting me to do,with what I can help you to succeed."

Sure. So basically some time ago, Haruto made an auction and people were killed by a misterious man. I'll need you to go in some kind of disguise and I'll give you more information in the time of the mission,we basically have to stop him.

"Are you expecting me to sacrifice myself for the company? Are you crazy?"

At first I was like you,I had to accept so that I'll have freedom 'cause your boss literally kidnapped me and decided to tie me up for some drama,he will probably do it to you too if you refuse.

"Ok,ok,I don't want to experience what Omega's experience. So I'll just join in the mission."

Ok so you know there is an auction today.


Well the auction I want to apply this plan in,is this auction.

"We just discussed it! How are you expecting me to be a total master at this?"

Just wait for it,okay? Stop acting like such a baby.

You're a grown woman! What would your mom say?

"She just called me to tell me she's proud of my other experiences in this domain."

Did you tell her your magic spells in the sexual domain?

"You're such a pervert, I like it."

I like perverts too.

"They're honestly delicious."


"Are we sweet chatting right now?"



Yeah, weird but also we have a lot of things in common so why won't you be more sociable?

"I don't like being sociable. Got a problem with that?"

Be careful because this plan includes you giving all the sociability you have.

"I'm completely fucked then."

Don't discourage yourself. There will be a lot of beautiful girls.

"I'm in."

You see? With just a few words I made you forget about the fact that you act like you're a tomato when seeing someone instead of the girls you hook up with.

I said as I quietly leave,will that bitch from earlier try to get close to me now? I hope that I will not have to see that face.

Pick up that damn phone!

"What do you want?"

I convinced her.

"Ok,it seems like if I put some pressure on you, you'll do exactly as I say."

Ok,just shut up, I'll call you later,bye!

So annoying...I kind of like the idea...but why I'm acting like this? Am I slowly turning into a high rang pervert?

Guess I'm really a pervert.

Being a pervert isn't as bad as I expected.

Why am I getting so many calls all of a sudden?

"Remember me?"

Why is everyone suddenly asking me if I remember them? I'm literally only one person,leave me alone! How the fuck can I remember you if you are behind that phone by only voice, I know lots of people with that voice and it's really irritating.

"Chill out! I was just playing with you!"


"First of all,did you forget that dance from ages ago?"

I remember now but why did you call me instead of asking for a meeting,I could make 10 minutes for you.

"Only 10? You're that busy now. What exactly do you do?"

Weird things,you don't wanna know,I swear.

"Ok,ok, I don't know since we haven't even heard of each other in years. Maybe we can start over?"

I'm married.

"Oh. That's awkward but we can be friends again if you want."

That's some kind of weird friend request. But...ok,I guess.

"Ok then,can you arrive at that ruined restaurant with the name of a house?"

Wang house?


Why would you want to meet there? Can't you choose a less scary place,I know you know.

"I changed my mindset, that's why."

You're weird.

"I know."

I know you know

"I know you know that I know."

You're still dumb.

What a weird end of a call,I never ended a call that fast. I should just focus on tonight. It's a life death situation after all.

I should just get ready for what's coming next. I should inform the assistant that I have more details to turn in. Do I even have her number?

I should send them through email, she'll see them sooner or later.

"What's my wife doing?"

I told you not to call me this,our relationship is just so that you have someone to rule, nothing more.

"Exactly but I wanted to give you a little gift before your mission for being so brave."

Are you gonna give me flowers or something? I just want to remind you that even though I'm an Omega I'm a male,at least call me spouse.

"You're wanting too much already."

I know but just...leave me alone for some time.

I quickly feel the consequence of my words,he started to hold my wrist tight, causing me to left out a moan of pain.

"I didn't expect you to be so fragile,that moan was quite enjoyable. I want to hear more."

Trust me you don't want to hear a half exhausted person moan uncontrollably. Especially when that person has an order to complete.

"Order? I like how you play with words."

Shut up. You're kind of drunk if you didn't realise until now,why before the mission anyway? Do you have some kind of internal stupidity?

"If you're using the word "internal" I guess I might have it. Who knows? I might have it and I'm proud of this possibility. All I know is that I'm willing to fuck you until you faint. I want you to have my children in your womb."

Don't you think you're wanting to much? You already wanted me to marry you,I did. Now you want children, use a surrogate. Or adopt.

"I want you to be their mom."

What makes you so sure that even if we have we'll have more than one?

"My mind."

Not so original but I like the idea. If we have twins on the first try will you leave me alone?

"Yes of course. I said children so two will be enough. What I especially want is a girl."

I didn't know you wanted a daughter,I also want one.

"Then I guess, I'm lucky after all,but don't think that if you give me children the death punishment isn't awaiting you if you mess up."

I know you don't need to tell me all over again,but don't you think it's too soon for us to have children, we've got married only 4 month's ago people usually wait a year or two or maybe three. So that there won't be any complications.

"Cut the crap, we've known each other for some time, we're ready to have children."

Ok,ok you want kids or your dick is just about to fall off if it doesn't enter something. I think the children talk is just so you can tell me that you want to fuck.

"This too. Aki,you see..."

Since I was born.

"Not that,you see...I really want children."

It's my womb. If you want go adopt.



"So do you want to fu-"



That really was weirdly easy...it freaks me out honestly.

I probably want children,too.

But not now.