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As the memories fly

After 5 months everything changed and I finally settled some things. I realised that I can't keep everyone alive and the one I should struggle to keep alive is myself. I wanted to open up a literature store since my graduation happened faster than I expected,my plans have gotten higher than before. Haruto paid his respects at Akari's funeral,at least that's what he's supposed to do after putting her on suffering for years. I didn't even bother to show emotions the ones that came after were that short that nobody will ever want to keep that kind of emotion. I got my second book published to a big company,thanks to Haruto's connections, I even got an offer that will cover 60% of the payment for the process.

I knew a new mission needed to show up but I just want to rest for the rest of this trip. I'm currently somewhere, celebrating my second book and drinking some alcohol with Ryu and Akira. They were looking at the furniture, analysing every piece of it with their sharp sight. Ryu was close to graduating but he still chose to follow a course that takes place for one year and Akira just needed a break from school so he eventually got a 2 month break due to health problems.

Here we are drinking like nothing happened before, cheering up like we have no tomorrow.

"So what are your plans,mister author?"

"I don't know,maybe become famous,mister biologist."

"I hope you do in fact,become famous because,you know that if you try,you can move even mountains."

"Let's not exagerate, we can't move mountains but we can at least make wishes. I just wish some of my friends could celebrate today with me..."

Said as he looked at the photos on his nightstand,it was clearly that he didn't get over the deaths of his friends. He just wasn't the type to get over things easily,once something happens,even if it's not a big deal,it remains with him,his entire life and if not the entire, nearly all of it.

"Akio...Look...We know how much you miss themzi guess you miss Akari more right now because you kind of got over Mary's death."

He looks at Akira after he said these words as if he was almost ready to jump off a roof. His mind was a mess. The alcohol kicked in and once it does nobody can stop it. The words resisted from going out of his throat,but for how long? He could not imagine keeping them in for more that 6 seconds. They finally leave his throat.

"I wish I got over...but I simply didn't,the memories of them kick in all the time. I can't even sleep at night because of how miserable I fell. I want to kill that disgusting human... human is not the correct term...monster! Monster. That monster only thought of his eye collection,that good for nothing collection. If he wishes for eyes that much,why doesn't he take his own eyes... Is he scared it's gonna hurt? The more it hurts,the better it feels. If he wants another pair he can just take out his own and make them a pair of earrings for all I care. I just want to take revenge. But how when I'm just an author that is literally forced to live with a cold blooded criminal? I'm weak and I can't change that but if I were to change something,that would be,my destiny."

The two were looking at him,with no words left to say, looking at the ground,Akira felt embarrassed and was about to burst into guilty tears. Even if he wasn't at fault for anything,he still felt a drowned guilt. It was mostly drowned in some sticky memories. He understood very well the feeling of loosing someone.

Ryu understood too,he lost his closest relationships because of some shitty deal and even if that wasn't made,the fact that he was destined to be an omega was still an issue in his parents mind. He had one person that truly cared about him and that was Itsuki. Surely the disappointment in his eyes when he saw only a line was big but the biggest feeling was the one of comfort,aside from that he never received any other kind of love. The fake kind didn't count,he knew his parents were nice to him because of other people that weren't as bad as them but the lines of trauma were let inside of his mind.

As tears were rolling down,he looses consciousness, falling to the ground with teary eyes.


As they were celebrating new year,the ceremony performed especially for spirits began. Akio tried some types of ceremonies but neither of them actually gave him the feeling of connection with his dead friends aside from this one.

The table was filled with delicious food,as the Christmas lights were glowing from the outside and inside. The chalet was full of happiness.

Ryu was running after Itsuki so that he can put on him a deer hat.

"Why should I put on the deer one when you have a cat on yours?"

"My cat is stylish, yours is ugly,this is why you're gonna wear a deer one. Oh,it seems like the Christmas lights are still active and the table is filled with food. I hope it will be the time to celebrate, I'm kinda hungry."

"We have two more minutes,wait a little." Said Haruto while still looking and scrolling on his phone."

"Who's photos are you liking?"

"Why are you asking? Are you afraid that I'm liking another omegas posts. Don't be afraid,I even blocked some of them."

"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying that you accidentally liked a photo of a naked girl. I suppose it was accidental cause I don't think you'd follow something like that and the app surely doesn't approve nudity, unless you are on another kind of app."

"Ok, you caught me red handed."


Said a very excited Akira, while swallowing a shot of tequila at a fast speed.

"CHILL OUT WITH THE ALCOHOL, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!" Said a visibly drunk Kazuko.

"EVERYONE,SHUT UP! 1,2,3" Said Akio.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" All of them announced.
