Scum Princess

A / N:

You may find the verb tenses a little confusing, as it keeps switching between present and past tense, but that's because I used to use present tense in the narration in my past fan-fics, but now I want to change it to past tense, and it's kind of complicated to change it out of nowhere since I automatically end up conjugating the verbs in the present tense, I hope that you guys can forgive these mistakes for now.

And sorry for the short chapter, normally I write 2000 words at least. I'll make up for it in the next chapter.


''Wow, what are these huge buildings?! And that tower over there? Is it a mage tower too?!'' Anne said excitedly.

''This world is very strange, so many unknown and potentially dangerous things....'' Syl said with concern, but still with her usual stoic face.

''Haha...yeah, you two are right....'' Ariel replied, pretending to agree with both of them about this 'new world'.

'I would really like to say that I am a person reincarnated with memories of my past life and that I know enough about the modern world to brag about, but I feel that if I did that I would throw away my biggest advantage to making fun of them both...' She thought as she watched Syl and Anne looking around curiously.

After the three fled the Judgment branch, Ariel searched for a location where there was possibly no camera or device that could detect their location. And after finding an alley that likely has all of these conditions, Ariel and the rest deactivated the invisibility spell and started wandering the city randomly.

Ariel looks at a sign that looks important, and reads it internally, 'District 15, huh.'

''Now that I think about it, how do we manage to speak and understand their language?'' She asked curiously to Syl and Anne, who are experts in magic.

Ariel knew English and a little of Spanish, but she didn't know anything about Japanese other than a few words she had memorized while watching anime.

''Oh, that's because I'm constantly casting semi-telepathic magic. It was in the book that to communicate with the summoned heroes, this is a necessary step for communication!'' Anne responded proudly like a child wanting a gold star for doing her homework correctly.

''Oh, really? I didn't even notice, how does it work?''

This time it was Syl who answered, ''Semi-telepathic magic is a very advanced type of black magic that involves the brain connection of one or more individuals. Magic converts feelings, intentions, thoughts and other aspects and translates them into what would be the most plausible translation of what they mean to say. And of course, it's a two-way street, as the people of this world wouldn't be able to understand us either without this magic.''

''Wait, doesn't that mean Anne is constantly casting magic on others? Isn't she wasting mana that she should be saving to get us home?'' Ariel asked confused.

''Not really, princess!'' Anne replied, ''The cost of keeping this spell on is negligible, as it uses more individual brain power to function and not much of mana.'' She explains.

''Ooh, I see! As expected from Anne!''

Ariel stroked Anne's head, and she grunted in embarrassment.

Unknown to the three, who were very engrossed in their conversation as they walked through District 15, practically everyone looked curiously at the three.

''Hey hey! Look at them! Such good cosplays!''

''Those girls are really cute, how about we go and talk to them, man?''

''Uwaa! Look at that little girl wearing a magician's costume! It's so cute how the pointy hat and robe are way too big for her size! Kyaa!''

''Yo, that cosplay princess have some HUMONGOUS hungolomghnonoloughongous, maybe they are fake? Just looking at the desire to bury myself in them...''

''That elf girl dressed as a maid strangely makes me feel like being abused by her would be really good....''

As they walked, their stomachs growled loudly.

''I think it's been a while since we've eaten anything....'' Ariel commented, feeling hungry.

''I'm hungry.....'' Anne said sullenly.

''Looks like we'll have to find somewhere to eat, how about that establishment? Looks like a good place.'' Syl says and points to a nearby establishment.

Ariel and Anne looked at where Syl pointed, and nodded.

The three quickly go towards the establishment and enter, and are attended at the same speed.

A slim girl with dark blue hair dressed as a maid come to them and offers her services, ''Welcome to Joseph's Coffee and Restaurant! How can I help you?''

Syl also wore a maid outfit, but Syl wore a Victorian-style maid outfit with a skirt that reached her heels, while the girl wore maid outfits which is more like the anime maids.

'It's a cute uniform, but unprofessional.' Syl thought as she studied the uniform.

''We'd like a table for three, please!'' Ariel responded, taking the lead of the group.

''Of course, please follow me!'' The waitress responded cordially and led the three of them to an empty table.

Ariel, Syl and Anne sit down and the waitress hands them the menu, '' Please take your time to decide what to order. We have everything from snacks and desserts to lunches! When you decide what you want to order, just call me, my name is Sayo.'' She said and then withdrew.

Anne and Syl picked up the menus and began to read, only to be visibly confused by the contents.

''Special Cheese Burger? Souffle? Coke? W-What are those things??'' Anne exclaimed confused.

Syl didn't say anything, but by her expression Ariel knew she was also trying to understand the contents of the menu.

Ariel sighed as she saw her two most trusted followers struggling to make sense of the menu, '' Don't worry, I'll choose for you two, just tell me what you want.'' Ariel suggested.

'' Eh? Do you happen to know what each of these things are, princess?'' Anne asked in surprise.

''Ehh, no way.'' Ariel responded by lying as casually as breathing.

Syl raised an eyebrow, ''So why do you seem confident about what you're going to order?''

Ariel smirked and nudged the side of her head with her index finger, ''It's the instinct of a really hot princess.''

Anne and Syl got speechless at their master's lack of shame, and so they both nod their heads in agreement with Ariel's suggestion.

''I want something sweet, please!''Anne exclaimed excitedly.

''Surprise me.'' Syl said.

Hearing their orders, Ariel opens the menu and starts reading item by item, and after a few minutes, she closes the menu, raises her hand and calls, ''Excuse me! We already know what we're going to order, Sayo!''

Arial called Sayo, the waitress, who soon came to take orders.

''So what will the Princess, Elf Maid and little Mage would like to order?'' Sayu said with a professional smile.

Ariel giggles and gives Sayo a rather lewd look, as Sayo was also her type of girl, ''A Deluxe Cheese Burger with lots of sauce, accompanied by extra large fries, a large soda and a big kiss from you for me. For the little Mage, a medium sized chocolate strawberry sundae, and a water bottle. And for the Elf Maid you can bring pancakes and an espresso.''

''Understood! A Chesse Burger....Soda....French fries and a kiss from me...wait, what?'' Sayo stopped taking the order and looked confused about 'her kiss'.

''Oh, that's exactly what I want, baby girl!'' Ariel said with a wink.

Sayo turned red as a tomato, hid her face under her notebook, took the orders at the speed of light and said, ''Y-Your orders will be ready soon, s-see you later!''

The waitress ran out and disappeared into the kitchen.

''Did you have to flirt with her? You really have no limits.'' Syl said with a sigh.

''The princess is really a pervert, scum princess.'' Anne comments with a deadpan face.

Ariel blushed and scratched the back of her head in embarassament, ''O-Oh, you guys! You don't have to praise me that much...''

''We are obviously not praising you.'' Syl and Anne said in unison.