Stripped Off His Title

"Miles, get yourself a Mate or kindly step down and let your younger brother take over the Alpha title," An elder said as he stared at Miles. "Your father is gone and we need a new leader as fast as possible or the vampires will come and hunt every one of us down," he continued.

"Miles, listen to him, he is right. Our park needs a leader or else we will be at the mercy of those blood-sucking demons," a young woman said agreeing to what the elder had said.

"Mother, I've heard you all but I haven't found a mate yet so we have to wait till I found one before anything is done," Miles replied and they all began to whisper among themselves. Miles silently watched them whisper among themselves, he knew what they must have been planning since the day his father fell mysteriously ill but he could not do anything about it rather he keeps calm and pretended to know nothing.

After the elders finished talking, the eldest among them cleared his throat gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "We the elders have concluded and it is for the best of the golden-moon park. We will choose your brother Damon as the temporary Alpha of our park while we wait for you to find a mate. We are doing this so that we won't give the vampires an opening for an attack, how do you see it, Luna?"

The woman smiled and shook her head In agreement, "My elders, it is a good idea and I agree to it. I am his mother as well and I wouldn't want him to rush into finding a woman from nowhere and tell us that he has found his mate, I want him to take his time and do that. Damon my son is capable of ruling the entire park and so helping his brother won't be a problem for him. Am I right, son?"

The young man she was referring to, smiled and nodded. "You are right mother, I am willing to help my dear brother."

"Miles son, hope you don't mind that your younger brother should take over for the meantime?" the woman turned to Miles and asked calmly. To others who heard her, it was like a mother begging her son to do the needful for his own sake but to Miles, it was like saying 'You have no choice but to agree or face the consequences '

Miles was silent, he didn't say a word first rather he quietly stared at every one of them in the room. From the elders who never liked him from the day he was born to the woman who his father had married just a day after his mother died and lastly to his stepbrother who had kept on challenging him at every aspect of his life.

They all had a calm expression on their faces but behind all these facades are hungry flesh-thirsty wolves ready to pounce on him and tear him to pieces. Who told them that he didn't have a mate? Who the hell told them that he is incapable of leading the golden-moon park? That is a whole cooked up excuse to strip him of his title and fortunately for them, it has been a success.

"It's not like I have a choice right now because of my situation but one thing I must let you know is that my next coming here will be to take over my title, together with my mate," Miles said and turned to leave.

"We shall see by then," the woman said with a grin on her face as she watched Miles leave the room.

By the time Miles left the meeting room, it was already dark. He decided to visit the family grave before leaving, when he got there, he walked to a particular grave and knelt.

"Mother, I'm sorry it took me long to visit you but I was angry then considering how you left me without a message or advice. It's been many years now and I grew alone suffering at the hands of the family members. If you were to be here, my father wouldn't be dead by now and no one will think of taking my position...but sometimes I think it's for the best. Now, I've found my mate but I do not know how to tell him, it'll sound so ridiculous but if I don't tell him I might lose him soon. Mother, tell me what to do, tell me how father pursued you then so I can do the same....." Miles kept talking to the grave as time swept away, by the time he was done it was dark already. He wiped his tears and stood up, touching the beautiful portrait of his mother one last time he walked away.

On his way out of the grave, he was met by a young boy.

"Lord Miles, mind if I follow you? I am willing to serve only you," the young boy said with his head lowered.

Miles stared at this young boy for some without saying a word and when the silence was becoming too awkward, the boy raised his head and spoke again.

"Lord Miles, am I not worthy enough? My parents are no more. It's just me and my little sister and I know that if we serve you, my sister will not go hungry again. Please my lord, let us come with you," the boy said and fell to his knees. Miles' heart softened at the boy and he had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, bring your sister and let's leave."


"Where is Miles!" The voice of Asher reverberated throughout the place as he released his killing intent on the kneeling men.

"We do not know, earlier we ambushed him but we were overthrown by him and he ran away," the leader said with drops of sweat on his forehead.

"He ran away? How and why should I believe that!" Asher replied with his eyes flickering red.

"Please believe us, we are saying nothing but the truth," the leader pleaded again. By now he would be regretting ever coming to ambush Miles.

"I wish I can believe that but sorry it's impossible," Asher said and his eyes began to glow red. He stared at the men for some time before they suddenly began to hold their heads.

"Asher, Stop!"