I looked at my status sheet as I walked along the road leading to Orario. This past month had been pretty good to me, but I still didn't have too much EXP to make any OP skills or items. Another annoying thing was that my status hadn't increased at all, making me think that I probably had to get a falna before being able to improve my stats. It was time to think about what skill I should make to improve my chances of joining a familia.
I had a good idea of a skill I wanted to make but I wasn't sure if my measly 70 EXP would be enough. If it came down to it then I could just make the skill weaker now and then improve it in the future when I have more EXP available. My plan was to make a sixth sense skill that could also help improve my weapon mastery. It would be able to help my fighting style and fighting in general. Having made my decision I reached forward and clicked on the skills tab.
A list of my two skills popped up and in the bottom right of the screen was a tab that read [Create New Skill]. I didn't hesitate and immediately pressed on the new tab which brought up a new screen. I was a bit curious about what the process of making a new skill would be like. In Custom Made Demon Lord it was all about Roy drawing what his skills would do, but I had wasn't sure how my system would differ if at all.
In the middle of the new screen was a message, [Picture what you want the skill to do and define its attributes below]. I grinned when I read the message. "Turns out I won't have to use my terrible drawing skills today," I said to myself as I started to picture what my sixth sense skill would do. I tried to keep it pretty underpowered due to my limited EXP supply. I just pictured a slightly alarming feeling when I was about to be attacked and a vague feeling of where said the attack would hit as well as subtle guiding me on how to best use my weapons.
The attributes I gave the skill were [Minor Enemy Detection], [Minor Attack Detection], and [Minor Weapon Mastery]. I didn't want to jack up the price of the skill with anything more than that. I was on a budget for now at least. I clicked a confirm button on the bottom of the screen and watched as a progress bar filled up. After only a few seconds the bar filled completely and a smaller screen popped up, [Name Your Skill]. I quickly typed in [Lesser Sixth Sense] and clicked confirm once more.
As soon as I clicked confirm the last time a weird feeling washed over me. It only lasted a moment before everything became normal once more. I sighed as I checked how much EXP I had. Creating the skill had completely drained me back down to 0 EXP, but I couldn't complain too much. I was sure that 70 EXP would only be a joke to future me.
I just continued my walk towards the city with a heavy bag slung over my shoulder. I really needed to get an inventory skill sooner rather than later. I looted all the bandits I had killed as well as making sure to bury them so that nobody could connect the bodies to me. I didn't plan on showing off my ability to turn things to gold, but I had no illusions about it coming out in the future. Anyway, right now I was too focused on the heavy weight pressing down on my shoulders. As it turned out money was heavy, especially if it isn't made of paper.
I was confident that I had enough to survive for a while in Orario at least, so I just gritted my teeth and kept walking forward. Soon the massive city came into view and I managed to find a wagon to sit on for the remainder of the journey. The man who owned the wagon didn't talk much which I appreciated, so I tossed him a few coins when we reached the city. It only took slipping the guards a few coins for them to let me enter the city with directions to the nearest inn.
The inn was called Adventurer's Craddel which I thought sounded pretty stupid, but who was I to judge. It didn't take me long to find the inn and settle in. People were generally pretty friendly to me so far. I rented a room for a week as well as making sure they would deliver me 3 meals a day. I effectively blew half my money all at once, perhaps I had slightly underestimated how much things would cost.
It was still only noon so I walked out onto the city streets and just admired the city and its people. I was slightly amazed to see demi-humans that had animal ears and tails even though I knew this was coming. I also managed to catch sight of a few elves and dwarfs as I wandered the streets of the city. Even though I had been in this world for a month already this was the first time that I had entered a major population center.
I still wasn't sure when in the plot I was or if I was in an alternate timeline, but I planned to find out as soon as possible. As I walked the streets another important question came to mind, 'What familia do I join?'. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to join a big or small familia yet. There were pros and cons to both options, but I decided to just walk around the city for today and think more about it tomorrow.
Little did I know that the god would come to me instead of the other way around.