Chapter 6

(A/N: I totally forgot that Gods can basically detect lies and see the adventure through updating the adventures falna, but MC didn't technically lie about anything so I say it's good. If you don't like it then just stop reading or just call it a plot hole and continue on.)

I paused as Miach called out and turned back. He looked at me with a smile and said, "I'm a God, though my familia only consists of one person as well as being in debt." his smile was a bit more somber after speaking though. Wealth was basically irrelevant to me so being in debt didn't really matter to me. Being in a small familia also might be better to keep me out of the attention of the gods for a while as well.

Plus from what I could remember Miach was a relatively unknown God (I didn't even know there were Irish Gods before learning Miach is an Irish God) so I wouldn't have to worry about much. The issue with a small familia though is in the dungeon. I didn't want to have some horrible death in the dungeon. Naaza would be useless in the dungeon due to her fear of monsters after she got her limbs ripped off. It was her prosthetic arm that had caused Miach to go into debt and have the other familia members leave.

I figured that on the upper floors I could manage by myself for now so the low amount of members didn't bother me too much. I turned back to Miach, "I would be honored to join your familia," I said, bowing deeply. I truly meant it as well. He had saved my life and would be the God to help kickstart my new life of adventure in this world. The fact that Naaza was kind of hot did cross my mind as well, but it was mostly due to Miach that I wanted to join his familia.

"What's your name by the way?" he asked as I laid down on the table face first. I had to think for a moment before responding. "Karna Lothric Pendragon," I said, slightly cringing at just pushing the three names together. I only choose Pendragon and Lothric because the names sounded cool. Also, I felt like the name flowed better than just Karna Pendragon. Thankfully Miach didn't say anything about the odd name and continued on. He pricked his finger on a needle and dropped a singular droplet of blood onto my back.

I was expecting getting a falna to feel like something, but I didn't really feel much of anything. He then pressed a sheet of paper to my back then handed it to me excitedly. "Great news, you have two skills already," he said, containing enough excitement for the two of us. I was mildly confused when I heard two instead of three, but I quickly found out that [Apostle of Gold] didn't show up on my sheet. In hindsight, it made sense that it didn't show up if it was given to me by a completely different god in a different universe, but then again [Touch of Midas] showed up so I don't know.

It was then that a bell rang and the door opened. Naaza walked into the room carrying a load of grocery bags, but froze upon seeing me with my shirt off and the sheet of paper in my hands. She slowly turned to look at Miach, but he just looked back with a smile on his face. "We have a new member of our familia, let's celebrate," he said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"I am the captain of this familia even if it is only you and me now," she said, shooting a glare my way, "We have to discuss first before you go off and make major decisions." She looked like she was barely able to suppress her anger, but I knew how I could calm her down. "You don't need to worry about me being a burden," I said as I grabbed the empty glass tube from Miach and turned it to gold then tossed it to her. Naaza looked a bit hesitant before she caught the golden tube out of the air.

Her angry face soon turned to one of shock as she realized that the tube was really made of gold. She still looked a bit suspicious of me, but I hit her with my finishing move next. "I am really thankful for what Miach has done for me and I want to help him as much as I can in return," I said, patting Miach on the shoulder. What I said was true and it seemed that Naaza could tell. I also knew that it must have struck incredibly close to home for her as well.

As a sign of good faith, I tossed her my sheet of paper and couldn't help but give her a salute while saying "Reporting for duty Captin," barely containing the urge to laugh at my own foolishness. Miach had no such restraint though and let out a chuckle. Even Naaza crack a very small smile, but she did seem pleased that I had acknowledged her as my superior. Or it could just be the fact that I could practically make money, she and Miach were in debt after all.

After the introduction was over between the three of us Nazza showed me to my room on the floor above the potion shop. She also had a room on the same floor as I did, but on the opposite side of the hallway. Miach was on the floor above us. I spent the first few days just settling in and trying to break the ice with Miach and especially Naaza. I had a feeling that I would probably be with them for a long time so I wanted to start our friendships early.

As soon as I felt like I was making progress getting them to accept me then I would enter the dungeon.