Appeasing The Little Prince; Opportunity?

(Bu Cai POV)

Tilting my head downwards, I look at the source of my current issue (And also the cause of my bleeding ears).

The little menace in front of me, is the one who will ruin my chance of getting chummy with the Royal Family... just because I ruined his first Love.

*Internal Sighs Of Immense Proportions*

...I'm flooded with feelings of indignance, Despair and unwillingness over this fact.


*Another Internal Sigh*

I am brought to demise, due to the flawed of Parenting of this world, Once again.

These products of bad parenting; not only bring about Calamities to ones self (Arrogant YM's), But they also affect innocent ones, Such as myself.

Is it my fault for being too handsome?

Is It my fault that Chen Ru is enamored by my suaveness?

Is It My Fault that he is still 10 YEARS OLD!?


However Our little Prince here, does not understand the concept at all; As his father is busy making 10 more like him with 10 other Women; Instead of teaching the boy on how to live!


...Maybe this is why there aren't many IRL Young masters back in the modern world, As Monogamy is the thing!

Here, as long as you are powerful enough, and have a functioning weapon, YOUR GOOD TO GO!


...Fuck Xianxia.


Anyways, Complaining about the unsolvable issue of parenting is going swell for me.

However; Finding a Fix for the issue in front of me, Is Absolutely Not!

'Just Read Him a Children's story and calm him down' You may propose...


As an orphan,myself, no one has ever bothered to read me a good night's story.

So how the fuck am I going to conjure one out of my ass?!

And I am damn sure that this little bastard won't be silenced, by me reciting how Li Qiye Slaughtered another sect for 'Not seeing Mt.Tai'.




There is probably a Strong Guard hiding in the shadows, for this whiny fucker, waiting to report this to the 'Parents' as well...

Meaning I am, well and truly fucked, if I don't 'Turn That Frown, Upside Fucking Down'.


...Suddenly it hits me!


Why Don't I just help him capture Jade Beauty #52's Heart?

Not only will it get this little Shit to stop bawling his eyes out, It will also get Chen Ru off my ass!

...Am I A Genius, Or what?

...Because that may have been one of the best idea's I have ever thought of!

And so I make my plan:

1. Get the notion that he has a chance across to him

2. Mixing in some usual Ass kissing.

And now to enact it...

I abruptly get on my knees, which catches the attention of the prince who looks at me with shock on his face.

I then say in an immensely sincere tone,

"Royal Prince, Although this Small one may come across as insolent, I have an Idea for you to capture Fairy Ru's Heart in it's entirety!"

"I Sincerely request for your permission to convey this humble one's Thoughts!"

He quietens down, after hearing me, and wipes away some tears on his face with his sleeve, and replies in a hopeful and slightly excited tone,

"*Sniff* This Prince will allow you to speak! *Sniff* So speak your thoughts for this Prince, NOW!"


Not only have I now scored some brownie points with Hidden Guard No.1 due to my respect for royalty, I may also be able to get in the good books of this spoiled prince!

Although he is a bit stupid and very spoiled; He's Still a Prince!

Just think about all the Clout I could get from being able to say I'm friends with royalty?

Now All I have to do is make sure it works...

As well as try to instill a Positive mental attitude into the little guy; Then I would have at least done more parenting than his real Parents.

...It truly is as they say, Opportunity goes hand in hand with Calamity!


(Wu Yan POV)

After Listening to the elaborate plan proposed by this Bu Cai,

I start to see him in a different light and realise that I have misjudged him!

Not only is he a Great guy for not stealing my first Love, He is even going to help me get her!

And Who knows a women's heart better than a Male Prostitute?

Although he tells me to not call him that, I think he is just shy from my praise.


After Pleasantly talking with him for a while, I realise that he is also a really funny person!

I never knew a peasant could be such a cool guy, I even feel as though he is more interesting than Big Brother Fei, This really made me excited as I will have someone else to play with when I am bored.

By the end of out talk, We started addressing each other as Brothers, and agreed to enact the Plan tomorrow!

I leave satisfied with the fact that I have a chance.



...Hehe, I can't wait to tell mother about this!


(Bu Cai POV)


Is someone talking behind my back?

Anyways, The First step is complete.

Now all I have to do is wait for it to all come together; How? you may ask...

Well, That's for when we arrive there.


Now, I have time to myself... finally.

I'm no longer in he mood for some sleep, therefore I head towards the place I have wanted to check out for a while.

The very place where I was able to snag an A-Rank Herb and Immortal socks.

I'm sure that I'll be able to find some interesting shit...

I then make my way out the mansion and onwards to the place where, my soon to be treasures reside...

The Free Market!


Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading, any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.

And Bu Cai's Status will be shown soon; in case anyone is getting impatient.