Achieving The Goal!

(In the mountains)

(Bu Cai POV)

I'd successfully been caught red-handed for attempting to steal from, arguably, the strongest man in this realm.

Wasn't that just fantastic!

"Boy, shouldn't you give this old man an explanation?

I was sure not too long ago, you were telling my disciple and me how it was the younger generation's duty to help the elderly. Surely, conning someone as aged as me out of their wealth isn't a meritorious action!

Or am I becoming senile?"

I swallowed hard and racked my head for ways I could explain this, however, nothing came to mind.

I was already sure this guy knew for certain I did the deed.

No on-the-spot bullshit will change that fact, therefore I went for the next best option.


I bowed deeply and said apologetically,

"I will not lie to Sir, the temptations of those herbs were not something a junior like me could resist.

I have no explanation for my actions other than I was blinded by greed. I sincerely apologise for this."

Although I was able to smoothly give a coherent apology, this actually took a huge effort on my part. Just the pressure of standing in front of this god-like being in such a situation made it hard for me to not fumble my words.

Just one thought and he could erase me!

The room was still, and there was only silence.

Each second that passed by felt like ages, and the suspension was killing me!

After a few moments though, this quietness was broken by the words of the old man,


I didn't think you'd end up being so direct and owning up to your mistake."

He then gave a disappointed sigh and said,

"Shame. What a shame.

I was rather looking forward to hearing how you'd try to talk your way out of this using that silver tongue of yours!"

After hearing these words, all the pent-up tension and nervousness left as if I was a balloon being deflated.

The old man was just playing with me!

"Although you have done something devious, I am actually surprised that you could resist the temptation of taking a godly herb and only retrieve two relatively mediocre herbs.

You really are a strange junior!"

After hearing this I put my hand on my heart and said righteously,

"Of course Sir!

Even if I had ten heads, seven hearts, and five guts, I would never dare to even think of touching those mighty herbs!

I only took those few herbs because I deemed them to be reasonably insignificant to a legendary figure like you, and thought they would be majorly useful for this junior's future."

Although it was true that I was vying for those incredible herbs at one point, he doesn't have to know that!

After hearing my reply, Tian Xu's eyebrows raised and he said playfully,

"Hmph, since when can you, a junior, decide what is and isn't useful to me?"

After hearing that, I realised I slipped up and responded sincerely,

"This junior was blind and foolish, I beg of senior to extend some of his boundless benevolence and forgive me for this grave error!"

I was once again nervous.



You can relax young fellow, I am only joking with you. Naturally, I am not too bothered about this and won't be petty towards the person who saved my life.

The reason I have asked you to stay behind wasn't to berate you for this but, rather, to extend my gratitude.

I know that you have come here with a goal in mind and that your intentions aren't as pure as 'wanting to help the older generation'.

So tell me straight, what do you want?"

...As expected, this old man knew I wasn't a charity service!

Thank god!

I honestly wasn't quite sure how I would bring the topic of 'payment' up.

No matter how thick-skinned or shameless I was, there was no way I could ask for a reward with a straight face after spouting nonsense about helping the elderly and getting caught thieving.

To be fair, if he avoided the topic altogether and was shameless enough, he could have just easily dodged this.

Luckily for me, this guy had dignity.

"Senior is truly wise!

I have indeed come here today with the objective of getting a favour from you.

Although this may sound impudent, I would like to request for your assistance in killing a sworn enemy of mine!"

After listening to my words, his face turned into one of confusion and he said in disbelief,

"You want me to become a hired killer for you?!

Although I understand you may hate this sworn enemy of yours with a passion, don't you think it's a bit rash to give up this opportunity to resolve this?

Wouldn't it be more sensible to put aside this grudge and focus on asking for something that can truly help you as a great herb or guidance in cultivation?"

I nodded resolutely as a response.

He just looked at me as if I was an idiot and said dumbfoundedly,

"During the entire time I've seen you you have been a bright brat, why have you suddenly become stupid?!

I could introduce you to the Sword God and allow you to become his disciple, therefore making sure that incredible sword talent of yours isn't wasted.

I could help you gain numerous fantastic treasures and open multiple paths for you!

Yet you really feel like giving up all these chances to further your cultivation and reach a higher standing in order to resolve a grudge?

Just what sort of sworn enemy could a greenhorn brat like you even have?"


He wasn't wrong.

From almost anyone's perspective, this request would seem terribly foolish.

Many would give up everything for an opportunity like this as they could set themselves up for a prosperous and bright future!

So what if so and so stole your wife and killed your entire family?

So what if someone destroyed your life and crippled you?

After you utilised this chance to get stronger or propel your status, couldn't you resolve all that with a flip of your wrist?

All you had to do was have a bit of patience and everything would fall into your lap!

Sadly though, this didn't apply to me. Long Tian was a threat that couldn't be neutralised in a conventional way, as his existence itself was unconventional.

If I followed the usual procedure then Long Tian would have my head before I knew it!

"Although Senior's words are insightful and objectively true, I won't change my mind.

He and I cannot coexist under the same sky.

Also, I already suspect that he has a mighty figure backing him therefore without Senior's help it would be impossible to end him.

Therefore I sincerely request your help with this!"

The old man let out a sigh and said,

"Tch, since you are so resolute then I needn't say more.

I'll assist you in killing this person in order to repay you for saving my life."


I was ecstatic that I had been able to achieve the goal. Now all that was left was waiting for the old man to fully recover to his peak, and then set up an opportunity.

I was also a little shocked, though, as I never thought he would accept this so easily.

Weren't oldies meant to value face a lot and never strike people in the younger generation?

"Hmph, I can already understand from your expression that you are surprised I would go along with something like killing a member of the younger generation.

You are too naive.

Although on the surface this thing never happens, there have been a few instances where seniors target juniors in secret for numerous reasons.

Have you ever been sent out for a mission or travelled without the protection of someone?"

...Was I really that easy to read?!

Anyways, he was right about the fact that I was always under protection.

Embarrassingly, I had never been allowed to go on any missions that weren't supervised!

Seems like I've once again been deceived by novel logic, as in novels the only ones to scheme against juniors were demonic cultivators or the arrogant young master's grandfather- Who targets the MC.

"And don't be mistaken, the only reason I accepted doing something this shameless was because I owe you a huge favour. Otherwise, I would never do something like this!

I'll be back to my peak condition in around half a year, so have a bit of patience!"

I nodded while saying,

"Of course, of course. Thank you very much, Sir!"

He snorted and said,

"Now that we have that sorted, take a talisman out from the box over in the corner and scram you shameless brat!

My disciple will contact you after a while and we will go over all the details then."

Without question, I walked over and opened the wooden box then found what he was talking about down at the bottom.

It was a rectangular slip of paper with weird symbols drawn on it that seemed to be pulsating.

There were in fact a few pieces of them, however, I only took one.

Seeing that I had one in my hand, he said to me,

"Think of the location you want to go to, then insert your Qi into it and rip it. Then you will be transferred straight away."

As he told me the instructions, my eyes widened and I almost couldn't believe it!

An ancient-looking bracelet that turned into a portal was already shocking enough, but now you're telling me some paper with squiggly lines on it could take you to wherever your heart desires?!

I couldn't help but think of a certain immortal gu I had once read about.

The old man's voice snapped me out of my daze as he said,

"What are you waiting for?

Hurry up and go!

I've had enough of seeing a bold brat like you, who has refused my kindness!"

Damn old man, do you really think I didn't know about all your shamelessness?

Not only did you trick many people into buying fake items from you in order to make money, you even dragged your sworn brother's reputation through the mud at one point to gain material benefits!

You are the last person in this realm I want to call Senior!

As expected, some things in the novels weren't completely false as it seems old people do indeed love to posture!

Although I was thinking this, outwardly I was bowing and thanking him profusely.

Soon enough, I decided to use the talisman and teleported to my room in the Chen Clan mansion.


"You damn slimy rodent, stop dodging this grandfather's strikes!"


The moment after I tore the talisman, I instantly heard a loud shout from outside which surprised me.

Had I been transported to the wrong place?

I looked around and confirmed that this was indeed my room, which only made me even more confused.

In this place, only Chen Fei and I lived. The servants who work here wouldn't dare to make such a commotion, so I concluded that the noise was due to Chen Fei.

But here's the weird thing, it wasn't Chen Fei's voice!

That loner had no friends other than me, so it couldn't be someone he invited.

That left two options, it's either a relative I don't know of coming for a visit, or someone had sneaked it.

If it were the former then it's fine, but if it's the latter then I'd be concerned.

Why would I be concerned?

Because he must be insane to sneak in here uninvited and scream like a maniac!

I decided not to think anymore and see who it was, as the voice sounded rather familiar. As I got to the window that looked out into the back garden, I saw something I never thought I'd see.

Sun Ting wielding a sword!

No wait, that's not the important thing.

What the hell is he doing here?!

Shouldn't he be reconciling and spending time with that family of his that he was obsessed with?

Why was he sparring Chen Fei?!

As I spectated this many questions, I felt more and more sorry for Sun Ting.

Although Chen Fei had a sword, he wasn't using it at all and instead kept dodging and punching Sun Ting with his free hand whilst Sun ting was desperately trying to land a slash.


Do you admit your inferiority now, you arrogant dog?!

Who is the Senior Brother now then?!"

"You fucker!

I thought that you were a good guy after we settled our dispute and shared a toast, but now you are just being too audacious!

Even if Bu Cai were here he'd give me face and not humiliate me like this, so how could a loser like you have the cheek to declare yourself as a Senior Brother!"


What the fuck is going on?????



Author's notes:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.