"Medic…edic…ic..Will…Will…Wi…WILL MAN YOU OKAY?"
My vision of the left side is bloody as I'm on my back looking at the sky with ringing in my ears, someone screaming in my face. "William you alright man.. Look at me buddy."
I look at the man in front of me, and he sighs with relief. "Thought I lost you there, buddy. We need to get you checked MEDIC. I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE!!!." I hear shuffling next to me as someone tilts my head side to side, looking at my wounds.
Medic "You got hit with shrapnel and almost lost an eye buddy but you still got it. Now follow the light for me please." As he pulls out a small flashlight to shine in my face, I follow it.
Medic "Alright you got a mild concussion but besides that you're good. James carry William to the Humvee I got to check if anyone else was injured."
William "James, what happened?" James "You save some of our squadmates from a grenade, buddy, come on up and at am." James slowly pulls William up and over his shoulders, carrying William to the Humvee.
Flashback end
Willam's eyes open wide again after passing out from the watch on Williams's arm. Not even 3 minutes have passed. "God, I need to get somewhere safe." Slowly with panted breath and pain, a whole lot of pain to kneel on the ground. Looking down, William finds a note that says, "Welcome to Rement William Newman there was a mess up with something with some dust, well long story short it ripped open a portal where you were and dragged you in. Don't worry, all your squadmates are fine, and all knowledge about you was removed not to mess up anything in your old world. Also, congratulations on getting your semblance in less than the first hour being there, and since this was an f up on our part. We've decided to give you a system no. It won't be like those novels you read about where you'll be overpowered and what's already in the shop feature. Still, I've given you a free pack to open, including a melee weapon from Bloodborne , Armor, and 1,250 blood echos. Well, that's all I can say about this. Good luck and live your life here from @#$!@#$$. PS once you read all of this, there will be a bell to summon the shop interface tata now.
The primary emotions Will felt were surprise, anguish, pain, and rage. All of his friends, mother, siblings all made to forget him because of an "f up" from a god more than likely [okay, can't get extreme with my emotions; it'll attract Grimm.] After 3 minutes of thinking and looking at the bell on the ground, I picked it up and rang it. Right where I rang the bell, the messengers came from a portal with a blood vial, the messengers gesturing to take it. With nothing else to lose, I jab the syringe like a vial into my leg. The blood took effect immediately. The pain from my ribs and right leg was now manageable to move without passing out. Getting up and slowly walking towards a tree and sitting down leaning against the tree. Ringing the bell again, the messengers pop up, handing me a scroll. Looking at the scroll, it looks like a stat sheet that reads.
strength as strong as a chapel giant
current skills/aura/semblance max 10
Passive: hunter weapon mastery(6) better control over hunter weapons
Passive: riposte max like bloodborne
Passive: Hunter's mind max can't be Possession or have power transferred and immune to illusions.
medical(8) Medical knowledge ranging from minor cuts to trauma surgery
sharpshooter(6) increases the chance of shots on target
Passive leadership(6)max How people look up to you and follow orders or calming down a frightened patient
chemist(3) Knowledge of chemical combinations from table salt to napalm
CQC(8) hand to hand combat techniques
Passive: beast blood max gains a small amount of health every 10 seconds in combat and can eventually heal fatal wounds but don't rely on it as you can still bleed out.
Passive aura(6)
Passive semblance(8) Self sacrifice the more damage you take, the more you heal injuries (like severed arms or fatal wounds but can't heal yourself)
locked skill
Passive: hunters quickened arts able to turn into white smoke to dodge attacks or to traverse the land (kill 10 Ursa Grimms 0/10)
Passive: blood manipulation can manipulate your blood inside and outside of your body and others' blood outside or their bodies (lose 2 liters of blood during combat in one go will still standing)
Purchasable skills
Passive: pressure hold able to stop an enemy's movement away from you can't happen to the same enemy for 30 seconds single target only (5,000 blood echos)
Passive: limited inventory a 60-pound limited inventory can't put any living beings in the space more anything that can't be held in someone's hands (2,000 blood echos)
"Well, I don't have to worry about getting hurt like last time now that I have an aura, but I gotta get my ribs back in place if they aren't." pulling off his pack, William takes inventory one m4 5 30 round mags ,m1911 with 7 7 round clips, smoke grenades 1, trauma kit,2 I.F.A.K, A.L.S, three MREs, biohazard PPE. "Well, I lost my knife, PPE,15 MRE's, and a P.A.T; all in all, not that much gone except my food, and I'm "as strong as a chapel giant" got to figure out how strong that is.
Taking an I.F.A.K, Willian starts to bandage his leg wound, wincing at the pain after patching his leg starts to check which ribs broke, feeling pain on with 6,7,8 and 9. Giggling a little, "That beowulf did a number on me can't stay here for long, and I don't know what volume of rwby I was brought to, I've only seen until three no use thinking about it now. I need to keep moving to find a good place to set up camp." looking down at the blood-stained and tattered U.S army uniform, William lets out a pained sigh.
"Let's look at that armor and weapon I was given." looking at the messengers still there. The Hunter set comes out alone, with the weapon being beast cutter. William puts on the hunter armor, attaches the beast cutter to his side, and puts his pack back on with some effort.
"What else does the shop interface have, guys?" looking at the messengers, they pull out a list giving it to William; looking at the list, William's eyes pop open. Not only are bloodborne weapons and some sets of armor being sold but all military-grade weapons, munitions, and food as well. "That'ssss quite a list you guys got." With the messengers all nodding in agreement to the statement. "Sadly I need to save my blood echoes for now sorry guys." I look up from them and take out my standard military issue compass with the central arrow pointing south. I then start making my way east. "I can mourn all I want when I get to a settlement or town but for now I really hope I can kill some grimm to get more blood echoes and stress relief."