Rest and meeting the founder.

After the whole explanation, William leaves for the night to go back home and is greeted by Oye and is being brought up to speed.

William "So Aimy's group had a cyber attack and you finally narrowed it down to a handful of individuals, one of whom is presumed dead."

Oye "That is correct Sir but even with my semblance I'm not too sure myself so I would like a third opinion. Madam Aimy said it must be someone who is retired, Iwai said it was someone who still works for Atlas but I think it's the only person who is presumed dead."

William "Well we can rule out the ones who are active because just from Atlases high and mighty attitude they wouldn't do it They would see Mistral criminal organizations as something not worth their time same with the retired. We need to figure out why."

Oye "So you think it's this person Doctor Watts." She clicks her scroll a couple of times and shows William the screen. "Before his death on paper, he was crushed to death by a machine of his creation, the Paladins; it was stated that he heavily disliked that another project was chosen over his Paladins. And later he was caught trying to expose said project and he was then stripped of his achievements and almost all status but stayed as a researcher before his 'death'." Oye air quoting death as she doesn't believe Watts is dead.

William puts his right hand on his chin in deep contemplation and nods his head in agreement. "Well just from this alone it sounds like we have our perpetrator Dr. Watts and being a researcher you have to either be at the top of your field or get up there due to how brilliantly crazy your ideas are. Then not being picked for the main project would grow animosity."

Oye "I was thinking the same thing Sir but tomorrow Madam Aimy was called by her uncle Sir Matsumura and wanted you to come with her."

William "Well this will be the second time he wants to see me. What's it about, do you know?" with genuine curiosity as to why Matsumura wants to see him.

Oye "I was specifically told not to tell you Sir I am sorry but it will be clear when you arrive." Oye replied with her usual stoic face.

William "Well no sense in worrying about it now, that's for future me to worry about but it's getting late and what time do I need to be there?"

Oye "Six am sharp Sir it might be stressful and that's all I'll say."

William looks at the time on his scroll reading ten pm "At least I'll get a decent amount of sleep before then and I'm assuming you're coming with me correct?" He looks at Oye and she nods her head in affirmation.

William "Alright have a good night Oye." as he slowly heads upstairs to bed.

Oye "You as well Sir." After William closes the door to the bedroom Oye calls Aimy.

Aimy "So Oye what did William say about your findings with our cyber attack?" while there is clicking in the background and talking.

Oye "He brought up good points of it being Dr. Watts which makes the most sense currently Madam Also how is the meeting going?" with Oye sounding a bit nervous.

Aimy "It's… interesting to say the least but now we know that the White Fang is going to try and destroy Haven Academy thanks to Ghira Belladonna sending the data in advance now we are trying to convince the MPD to get off their asses but it's sadly almost going nowhere but hopefully progress will be made when Ghira gets in tomorrow morning."

Oye "I understand Madam and as instructed I haven't told William about Ghira."

Aimy "Good I'll bring him up to speed when he gets here Keep me posted if anything else happens."

Oye "Yes Madam."

Next day 4:30 am

William gets ready and wears his Army dress uniform with Chikage on his left hip along with the desert eagle with Oye wearing her usual armor. They are out the door by 5 am with the sun barely rising over the horizon.

Throughout the walk Oye and William stay silent more so because William is tapping his right pant leg with his fingers nervously while Oye with her usual Stoic face is somewhat broken as her eyes dart towards William a couple of times anxiously.

By the time William stops taping his pant leg the duo is in front of Matsumura mansion as soon as the guards see them unlike last time they open the gate without questioning and let them in as they both walk towards the mansion the same butler opens the door for them.

Butler "Good morning Sir William you look rather dashing for the meeting good good. Come in come in, Madam Aimy wanted to speak to you before the meeting starts." The butler guides them through the mansion until they reach a door which is promptly opened by Iwai who without her usual banter rushes them in as the Butler nods and leaves as the door closes. The room is a big conference room with 11 seats in a rectangular position with the head of the rectangle seating Matsumura his wife Wada and his daughter Suzuki.

On the left side of the table, there is Aimy with two other Faunus, one with scaly patches on his face and the other with what looks like sheep ears where human ears would be.

Aimy quickly sees William and motions for him to take a seat next to her as the two other Faunus see him give a quick scowl and go back to stoic faces as William takes his seat.

Matsumura "William, it's good to see you again. I wish it was over dinner but sadly something came up and we are waiting for my old friend Aimy please fill William in on what this meeting is going to pertain." With Matsumura looking at the door William came in with anticipation as he looked to his right side with four empty seats.

Aimy "To sum up what we are going to be doing is we received intel solid intel that the White Fang is going to try and destroy Haven Academy we only got this information yesterday from my uncle's old friend Ghira the founder of the White Fang and later retired for being chieftain on Menagerie. But the main reason you are here is to understand how our Family does business, even to close friends." When AImy finishes both the Faunus on the same side as William nods their heads in agreement.

William "Okay why are there four seats then are we expecting more than Ghira?"

Aimy "Well it's Ghira, his wife, daughter and another faunus that helped get the information."

William "Anything else I should know before Ghira gets here?"

AImy "Yeah, his last name is Belladonna." William opens his mouth a bit to reply but closes it with a contemplating expression until he speaks again.

William "Well I was not expecting that this is going to be an interesting meeting." as William fixes his posture and doesn't have to wait long as the said guests enter through the door.

Ghira, standing at seven feet tall with black hair, a thick beard and yellow eyes. He wears an open dark-violet coat with white fur trim, exposing a patch of black fur on his chest. Over his beige pants is a matching sash that wraps around his waist and is secured with a large, silver metal buckle. On the shoulder of his coat is a silver metal spaulder, which through a pair of curved strips across the chest attaches as a clasp on the opposite front panel of the coat. The white toes of his black leather boots have a shape reminiscent of paws with claws at the tips.

Kali from the looks of it just looks like an adult version of Blake. She is 5 '6 ,has short hair and three gold piercings on her cat ears - two on her right, and one on her left. She is wearing a black hakama and sandals with white tabi socks. Over her outfit, she wears a black shrug with a long right sleeve and a short left sleeve, gold-leaf trim adorning the opening on the front.

Blake looks different from the last time William saw the show, she now wears a long white tailcoat with dark violet inner lining and a sleeveless black crop top, as well as a belt attached from behind. The crop top has rectangular and diamond-shaped cutouts around the neckline with a white belt over black fitted pants.

And Finally the last individual enters is Sun. He wears two red wrist bracers over black fingerless gloves and an open loose-collared white jacket with no shirt underneath, displaying his muscular physique. He also wears blue cargo pants tied up with a white belt. He wears white bandages on his legs and has a chain hanging from the belt loop on the right side of his pants.

As William sees them Ghira starts to talk. "Matsumura, thank you for listening to my selfish request, old friend."

Matsumura "Think nothing of it Ghira please have a seat lets get some things clear first before we reminisce about the past." as he motions for the four to take the empty seats as they do.

Matsumura "So with the information about the plan of the White Fang being the main subject and the hundred or so Faunus you brought along from Menagerie I at least expect some form of compensation for housing, and feeding them. I'm sure this is agreeable to you Ghira."

Ghira "Yes that is understandable I will have the funds transferred once we are done discussing. But I would like to know why there is an Atlesian specialist sitting in this meeting." pointing at William with everyone but Aimy, Wada, and Suzuki nodding their head in agreement.

Kali "I was wondering that as well Matsumura. You really don't have a positive outlook on Atlas as a whole." she says while looking at William and Matsumura.

Matsumura "You are correct that I still don't hold Atlas in high regard but William is no Atlesian specialist even though he currently looks like one with his uniform on."

Blake finally speaks up after taking in this new information asking a critical question. "So if he isn't a part of the Atlas Military then what military is he a part of?" Matsumura looks at William seeing how he will react.

William takes a deep breath and sighs relaxing himself. "Im a part of the United States Army which is around the mountain ranges of Sanus," he said trying to lie through his teeth.

Blake "Why are we just hearing about this 'United States' care to explain that?" she retorts with everyone not in the know nodding their heads in contemplation.

William "Because after the fall of beacon with communications down or almost non existence the people outside the kingdom of Vale in the mountain range banned together to keep safe with mutual protection against anything foreign and domestic." He tries to lie as best he can hoping Blake won't continue questioning him.

Blake tries to ask another question but Matsumura interrupts it. "Miss Belladonna if you want to keep questioning William I would like you to after this meeting or on your own time please," he says speaking with authority.

After that the meeting went off without a hitch with Ghira and Matsumura getting the details of how to convince the MPD to get off their asses and see the hard evidence sadly they are making little progress with that. With Matsumura having anyone not in the talks with the MPD leave for now and have something to eat.

A/N Hello everyone. It has been a while, sorry about that life hit me like a freight train but a good hit because most of the things I set out to do I did and completed. So currently I've been getting ready for a new chapter in my life and I'm excited for it. I'm happy for this change and I hoped you all have been doing good or if whatever you are going through right now gets better. But I won't take up more of your time. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to me to all the people who stuck around or who stumbled upon my work. I hope you still find it entertaining. But with this Fanfic I'll try to update it as often as I can get. And again thank you for your patience.