TOM Ch5 (A frost bitten encounter)

Elden and Megan, both looked at each other's eyes for a moment, well not their actual eyes but where their eyes should be. Anyway, they tried to read each other, seeing if they could decipher if they were truly friendly to each other, or if they had alternate motivations, as even though they told each other their fake names, they still couldn't fully trust each other.

Their gazes grew more intense the more they just stood there, waiting for each other's next words, and who was going to speak first. Thankfully the standoff was ended by the sounds of blow horns echoing from the broken-down gate of the city.

They both decided that whatever is happening down there was probably more important compared to what they were just doing. So, they rushed down there quickly, and what they found at the gate was shocking, there was a large army of bloodthirsty demons, ready to attack and devour the residents inside.

Elden and Megan, both decided it was best for Elden to hide somewhere, as the demons were most likely here for the statue. Elden quickly secured itself a hiding spot where it could see the gate but is also well hidden. The statue watched as Megan started the conversation with demon, she looked confident as she seemed to deny something the demon's leader asked her, the demon could tell she was lying.

Speaking of which, the demon leader was a 6-meter-tall giant, covered in cold dark plated armor, which covered all its body, excluding the 'eye holes', which shown with deep blue light, and its joints, which couldn't be covered as the demon genral wouldn't be able to move freely or at all if they were covered. The armor it wore had jagged spikes all over it, which would most likely be able to catch a sword, leaving the owner of said sword open for attack. Its weapons were also odd, it held a giant shield as large and tall as its body, the shield had odd markings on it, which flowed with the same energy coming out of its eye holes, which seemed to freeze the surrounding area, the giant hammer on the back of the general also had the same aura of freezing energy.

The demon general seemed to have enough of the fruitless conversation, and swung its large hammer down towards Megan, I couldn't help her, but I knew she could hold her own against the demon, so I picked up a medium sized rock, ready to throw it. Megan had seen the large hammer coming towards her, so she seemed to turn invisible, reappearing a few feet back, dodging the attack.

It may seem like teleportation but what really happened was, she was able to use a skill where she could increase her speed so much, it seemed she could teleport, but the thing was it is very tiring to use this move, so she could only use it a few times before falling on ground in exhaustion.

Despite perfectly dodging the attack of the demon general, she was still hit by the frost trail behind the hammer, it didn't do much damage, but it did slow her down. The demon general went in for another attack on its now vulnerable enemy, but before it could fully finish its attack, it could sense a projectile coming towards it.

Raising the large great shield up, it blocked a medium sized rock coming towards it, but the force behind the throw was able to push it back a few feet. Seeing her chance, Megan un-sheathed her sword, it glowed dark red, and had a sharp blade, well multiple sharp blades as they were all over it. Though it looked intimidating, it wasn't the best weapon against the steel giant.

Megan rushed forward towards the demon general at lightning speed, and instead of aiming for the large body, she instead targeted the joints of the demon, as they were less armored. Her blade caused mass bleeding from the joint, thick black liquid spewed out and Megan looked more rejuvenated, like she just took the strength of the demon for herself.

Still, the demon general didn't stager at the pain caused by Megan's blade, and immediately slammed it hammer down once again, just like last time Megan seemed to teleport out of the attack's way, but unlike last time, the frost coming out of the hammer was weaker than before, and a shockwave of icicle spikes cascaded towards Megan from where the hammer struck.

The icicles appeared out of the ground following wherever Megan tried to run to, but eventually Megan escaped the range of the wave of ice spikes, which caused the ice to stop forming. The major problem now though, was that she was very far away from the giant demon general, this would be seen as a big plus normally, as now Megan can wait for Elden's assistance while simultaneously being far out of the demon's range, but it turns out that the demon can launch giant icicles at her from this range.

So, Megan made her way back to the demon general, but having to dodge the boulder sized icicles slowed her down tremendously. Still, she made it, but the demon general raised its hammer high up again, and it emitted small amounts of frosty mist, this perfectly mirrored the ground icicle attack.

Megan understood the demon wanted to tire her out by endlessly throwing out icicles, and there was not much Megan could do until it showed an opening like before, so she just backed away, inching closer toward the end of the ground icicles range, but this time a flaming giant halberd came out of nowhere and intercepted the hammers smash.

Elden had slowly sneaked towards the demon general, as it was distracted by Megan fighting it, and now the demon general was staggered and stunned, which prompted Elden to smash the demon towards Megan with the flaming halberd, Megan followed up with ten stabs into the un-protected neck of the demon general, killing it finally.

Elden and Megan were both about to celebrate their victory, before noticing the army of thousands of demon soldiers standing in front of the gate.