"Slinking off back to Lothlorien?" I chuckled as I stood on the roof of my fort, buck naked, pissing off the edge with the volume and pressure of a garden hose, guiding my smooth bronze cock to and fro to make sure the piles of passed out Orcs below are well and truly soaked, "Leaving a feast in the dead of night like a common criminal. And they tell me you people have manners…"
No response came from Eltariel and I spat a loogie on a particularly unlucky git.
"No point pretending you ain't there." I told her, "I can hear your muscles tensing beneath the skin, let alone the fluttering of your little Elf heart. Doesn't matter how softly you step coming against ears like mine."
The Vanyar Elf emerged, clad in the simple green dress we replaced her armor with, a dagger in hand she could have nicked from any of the Uruks I lead. She was lean, with full lips, and eyes shaped like a pair I love very much. A little too narrow in the face and jaw and a bit too blonde, but the similarities were there in the eyes and mouth enough.
"You got any children, Elf?" I asked as I finished up my business and shook off my cock while making sure the last fleck landed in an Olog's gaping maw.
"No." she denied.
"Fucking lightweights." I muttered and turned, "Up through the roof and down the side. Not a bad escape option for someone supernaturally light enough to walk atop snow. So what's the play now, girl? If you jump and survive I might let you run for a bit."
"I will not be held captive." the Elf assassin declared.
"Then pass on to the Halls of Mandos." I responded, "Cause I like you and I want you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours."
"You do realize that you can't rape an Elf?" Eltariel asked while circling towards the ledge.
"I know Iluvitar put a kill switch in you people." I laughed, "But you are forgetting one key piece of the puzzle. Belief. You're going to bear my children because you believe it will happen."
"You're insane!" she spat.
"You say that. But deep down you believe in me. Believe I can accomplish anything, because I always win. I do the things everyone believes is impossible. Nothing can stop me." I stated, "So when I look you in the eyes and tell you that you are going to bear my children. You think it's impossible, that I'm insane. But your heart. Your heart believes."
Eltariel responded by dropping off the ledge and sliding down the smooth wall of my keep, light as a feather. She ran off as soon as she hit the bottom.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, love." I laughed and took off in pursuit.
Eltariel ran away from her new home dozens of times, allowing me a merry chase in each and masterclass tracking lessons for my sons, but chasing down stubborn Elf tail took up very little of my time and focus after taking up the first crown of Mordor.
I had tremendous natural barriers shielding me from three sides, but my eastern border is shared with kingdoms that swore pretty hefty allegiance to my predecessor, like millennia old fealty hefty. Obviously, they were conditioned to expect long gaps in communication considering they joined Sauron in the second age and he had a two thousand four hundred and sixty year respawn count after his beat down from Gil Galad, Elendil, and Isildur; however, post third coming the Dark Lord frequently traveled east to reward and advise his chief retainers and remind them that daddy's home and their foreign policy was now slaved to his will.
A few years with no contact was water under the bridge, even a handful of years, but a decade, unlikely. Soon enough Rhun, Khand, and Harad would start sending inquiries. I may or may not be able to pull the wool over the eyes of any emissaries looking for Sauron, but eventually I am going to be fighting these clowns.
On top of that, I'd soon be dealing with the north and western borders as Galadriel would no doubt spread word of Sauron's demise. The Battle of Five Armies didn't cost Kings Dain and Thranduil enough strength to put them off a campaign, and Gondor was always ready for beef with Mordor. They'd be the first.
They'd not like the new Mordor.
I took the corpses of Tar Goroth and Durin's Bane and ground them to dust, then traveled to the Pits of Mordor. Two in Nurn, one in Seregost, two in Gorgoroth, and one in Cirith Ungol. They could each put out an average of a hundred Uruks a season or many more Orcs. The pit in Seregost produced a dozen of the new Olog Hai, trolls resistant to sunlight and intelligent to boot.
Into these pits I poured out the bodies of the Balrogs and instituted improved rituals for the creation of the various folk of Mordor. Setting all the pits to produce Uruks, my changes resulted in seven hundred and fifty new Uruks a season as opposed to the six hundred previous. More importantly though, I created uniformly strong and healthy Uruks much like the Uruk Hai of Sauron.
I intended to end the production of baseline Orcs entirely, and limit the Ologs to one season a year after my new armies marshaled. Basically, I produced the army that put Rohan to the sword and held Helm's Deep under siege every three years.
Not bad.
With the improvements to production in Nurn there would be little problem carrying a capacity of a hundred thousand of these new Uruks in Mordor, and I can push that even higher with dry farming the rich volcanic soil in Lithlad. Hell, Gorgoth would eventually detox without Sauron being a ass constantly and that region was one hundred percent volcanic soil.
Better watch out or I might turn into an MC who breaks his arm patting himself on the back for remembering how crop rotation works.
As things stood, I barely had the manpower to secure my unfriendly borders even with Mordor's redonk natural barriers. This problem eased itself naturally as two peaceful years went by. Peaceful for me, but both Moria and Dol Guldur came under attack and wouldn't last longer than another year between them.
The Wise of Middle Earth chose to clean house rather than assault Mordor, a mistake I made happen by the skin of my teeth when I hijacked the link between Galadriel and Eltariel. I forged a secret middle man relationship with sorcery. To Galadriel I presented Mordor as being far more secure than reality using Eltariel's appearance, and to Eltariel I presented an uncaring and unsympathetic face as Galadriel.
The armed forces of the West spent their strength removing the pains in their asses and thorns in their sides. They'd need time to recover before they could assault Gundabad. That mountain Fortress could take them years to take even with it so depleted by Azzog the Defiler's failure to take Erebor.
Three more giddy years past like this while I worked away on my important projects. Very important.