Chapter 11: Apple Puree No More?

Rose's POV:

After expending all my energy with my practice, I noticed that it is now 6:30 PM based on the shadows cast upon the windows.

Anytime now, Mira is gonna come so I tidied my blanket and pillows that has been disarranged during my walking practice.

After fixing the last pillow, I lied down the bed as I heard a knock and a creak which signifies Mira's entrance.

"Princess, it's time for dinner~" - Mira said as she walked closer to me

"Miii!" - I greeted, which I doubt she would understand but it's the thought that counts.

She smiles at me and put down the food in front while she fixed me in a sitting position.

"I know that you only like Apple Puree but you need to have a more balanced diet to be healthy."

"Ehhhh! Wahhhh!" - I protested!

This can't be! It's such a cruel thing to do! A baby is still a human! I have rights!

"I know, I know princess, don't be mad at me okay? I only want the best for you. And you'll still have Apple Puree for breakfast it's just that your lunch and dinner menu would change." - she patiently explained

Hearing that, I reluctantly nodded and she then started to feed me. Hmm, so it is pumpkin puree tonight. Actually it's my 2nd favorite type of puree, Apple being the 1st.

Actually I was just throwing a tantrum, maybe my intelligence really declined with my age? And I know that Mira is just doing her best for me. I was not actually angry at all.

After finishing my food, Mira carried me to make me burp. And after that, she tucked me to my bed. I let my thoughts wander for a bit mainly about this day but my eyes inevitably became more heavy as time passed so I succumbed to the drowsiness.