Chapter 20: Exploring the Other Functions

Rose's POV:

Aside from viewing my status screen, Alpha 101 can also help me view other's status screens and see how they feel about me through the Favorability Level. To test these 2 functions, I need to wait for Mira to come. There's still an hour before dinner time so I will have sufficient time to explore the last 4 functions.

"Alpha 101, can I just call you Alpha? Including the number is very iffy you know"

Adjusting configurations...

Setting the default name to 'Alpha'...

"User, Configurations adjusted, you can now call Alpha 101, Alpha."

"Then, Alpha, how does that 4th function work?"

"User, the 4th function is a yearly gift for the user, this is distributed every year at a fixed date, on the 1st day in the 1st month of Lydandroff Calendar Year, your birth date."

"So my birthday is on the 1st day in the First month of every year! Thanks for that explanation, Alpha!"

I thought for a bit and realized something!

"Alpha, does the gift vary every year?"

"User, the gift's format is fixed, a certain number of unallocated points; a random skill from the skill pool; and a random item from the item pool."

"Hmm... Then I'll also receive 10 Unallocated Points with a skill and an item next year."

"Then, Alpha, can you explain the 5th function to me?"

"User, the 5th function is accessing information from Earth. This function allows you to search the web for information that you need, like a search engine."

"That's cool! I won't be bored now! I'll watch movies and read in my spare time!" - this information made me giddy with excitement!

"The 6th function was already explained earlier so that leaves the last function..."

"User, the 7th function is exactly how it seems, Alpha itself, is a companion for the User."

"Thank you, Alpha! May we have a happy and fulfilling life ahead of us!"

"Yey" - Alpha replied with his robotic voice trying to sound cheerful. It's funny and touching at the same time. At least, even if all else abandons me, I still have Alpha with me.