
"Who's that insolent brat?!" the Grand Magus said upon teleporting outside the barrier. He had almost died if he was a second late in teleporting.

"I think he is my son," Duke Henry said. He had come forward to aid the Grand Magus.

"You must be jesting. Is your son normally that crazy?" the Grand Magus complained.

"If it is about Stella's safety, yes," Duke Henry said as he prepared his sword. 

Hendrick kept striking at the barrier with so much speed until it finally broke. Henry blocked Hendrick as he was about to cut the Grand Magus again. His eye's widened at the weight of the blow as he parried the sword with his.

Henry was now sure that it was his son. And Hendrick was serious about killing the Grand Magus. His eyes were dark with fury and he looked like he would not listen to reason. He had never seen Hendrick like that before.

"Father! Why are you protecting that scum?! Please move aside and let me kill him," Hendrick growled.