Forgotten Memory

The Great Sage took a deep breath before finally answering her question.

"Listen to me carefully, young lady. This is your world now. You can no longer go back to that other world as Kim Yeong-ja even if I could somehow help you."

"Eh? Why?" Stella braced herself nervously for what the sage was about to say. She suddenly had a very bad feeling about it. She wanted to back out and say she didn't want to know anymore. But she felt that it was something that she needed to know.

"Do you recall what you last did in that world?" he eyed her like she had forgotten something important.

"Yes. I read a book and then went to work as usual," Stella confidently replied.

"I see," the sage replied like he understood something.

"What is it? Why can't I return?" she held her hands together to stop them from trembling due to her nervousness. She hoped she debunk what the sage would say and insist that she could return.