In the Garden

Before eating breakfast with her family, Stella was updated by Sarah, her personal maid, on the progress of her ventures in the duchy during the three months and seventeen days that she was not around. 

With permission from Duchess Amelia, Sarah had taken the initiative to take care of things while Stella was missing. Her other personal maids also volunteered to help and Sarah led them. 

According to Sarah, Valyenor's people took everything seriously and were even more determined to do well when Stella went missing because they did not want her to be disappointed in them once she returned.

"This is amazing, Sarah! I thought I had a lot of work piled up. Thank you for taking care of everything!" Stella beamed and Sarah blushed at her praise.

"I am very much honored with your praise. I only did as I was supposed to do as your Head Maid, my lady," Sarah humbly replied.