Grand Celebration Begins

The Great Hall of Valyenor was once again filled with the most important people in the empire as they gathered to celebrate the safe return of the ducal children and the twenty-first birthday of Zafir and the sixteenth birthday of Stella.

Once again, the Great Hall was filled with only the best of everything.

All the visitors, even those from Nigellus were awed by the splendor displayed by the Valyenor family. The hall was decorated grander than it had ever been before.

It boasted of just how prosperous they were to be able to hold such a big and lavish event even after all the costs they had spent in searching for the missing heirs and preparing for war in case the kingdoms they shared borders with were involved.

The entire empire also knew that Valyenor had rewarded all the search parties with gold and a lot of goods as thanks for their efforts in the search.