Looking Younger

Half of the dukes were against implementing the new policies. But they acquiesced due to the visions of the 'Saintess'. After some time, the opposition to it lessened.

And now that war was imminent to erupt at various borders of the empire, all duchies have at least increased the number of their knights and soldiers.

They wouldn't be beaten so easily as well since they did not just focus on numbers. The training was strict since they also ensured the quality, not just the quantity.

"I am truly relieved that we implemented those policies. It was a great help," Emperor Victor said.

"Of course," Henry smiled proudly. Those policies were a product of his family's ideas and efforts.

"By the way Henry, I think everyone has noticed it but didn't dare say a word. The last time I saw you, you looked older than me. Why do you suddenly look so young? What kind of sorcery is this?" Emperor Victor complained while they are still in his quarters.