Travel Buddies

Stella was truly grateful for Rubia inviting her to Callida. Now, everyone had also extended their invitation. She just had to be patient until she was allowed to go out once again.

Now that she looked at Lady Rubia closer, she felt like they might be able to be good friends. Rubia seemed to be an energetic person. She had wavy red hair, green eyes, and a light golden brown skin tone. She seemed to have been out in the sun.

Callida, Rubia's home duchy was known for its hot weather, two seasons, and beautiful beaches.

'It sounds like a really fun place. I'd really love to visit it soon,' Stella thought, eager for some fun after doing nothing but work for five years. She could also use some kind of vacation.

"Aren't you also going to invite me too? I also want to go around the duchy," Princess Cassandra complained and everyone glanced at her.