Sponsorship Program

In order to lessen the number of deaths from childbirth, Stella introduced the education scholarship program in Valyenor as a long-term solution. 

She sponsored women both noble and commoners alike who wanted to be doctors or midwives and they either studied from Dr. Rafaela, Dr. Arnold, or the best doctors in the hospitals that were built.

Her father wanted to take the responsibility and sponsor the scholars himself but Stella rejected him and told him to keep funding the building of more hospitals instead since it would greatly help in the future once war erupts or the epidemic hits. 

She knew that her father was sinfully rich. Their dukedom had a lot of stored funds as well. But knowing that war and an epidemic would happen in the future, Stella thought that it would be better to use their money wisely. They never know if the war and epidemic would lead to a severe crisis that might lead to poverty.