A Grand Dream

"Uhm, it's not like that. You are a good person. You are strong and powerful. You seem to be a good leader too. The people also love you . . . " Stella tried flattering him with a lot of good words but it didn't work.

"And yet, you still rejected me," Prince Conrad said with a smile and she flinched. He chuckled at her reaction.

"It's alright. You don't have to feel bad. Since you rejected Aiden whom everyone thought had the best chance, it was quite clear that I would be rejected too," he assured her, but Stella couldn't help but feel guilty and apologized again.

"You must know by now that my father wanted a marriage with Valyenor. We thought one of our sisters would be successful but also failed since Marquess Hendrick chose someone else. And now both Aiden and I failed as well. Does Fabian not have any chance too?" Conrad went ahead and asked when his brother did not even propose. "Please don't hold back and be honest, Lady Stella."