I Would Take Them Away

After forty-seven years of life, Henry did not expect that he would one day hear news like that. It was hard to believe that his wife, who had just recently turned forty got pregnant.

He thought they were already approaching the end of their lives and they would have to leave their position to the next generation. And yet, all of a sudden he hears that his wife was pregnant.

In the past four months, he had been so busy roaming around the duchy to ensure that all the territories were prepared for battle in case things got worse in Eleftheria and Zachary. He was preparing in case the kingdoms of Ethelinda and Ardiente decides to join the war. 

He had to ensure security along the borders they had with those two.

If they show the slightest bit of weakness in the war with Valencia; Ethelinda and Ardiente might take that opportunity to strike.