Until Spring Comes

Stella reassuringly smiled at Zafir. Just thinking about the day he departs makes her feel like crying. But she had to set him free no matter how she felt about it.

"My lady, what if I turn out to be a criminal's son? What if my parents were villainous? What if I am just a commoner?" Zafir clearly feared the truth now that he had to face it soon.

"The truth you would discover may bring you pain or happiness. What's important is you know about the truth. You wouldn't have to regret not knowing what lies beyond the borders of Valyenor or the empire. You would know the truth of your birth. If you do not want to stay at that place, you can always come back here to Valyenor regardless of what your identity there would be, I would welcome you back here. You might not be able to be my knight ever again. But you can always be my friend," Stella assured him.