They Are My Responsibility

Zafir knew that Stella wrote a letter to her parents and to Hendrick but he didn't know what the content was. He was horrified when the three sent him and Francis letters and they were all furious.

Zafir and Francis were shocked when the three scolded them for allowing Stella to be exposed to disease and even thinking of allowing her to go where such disease was rampant.

"My lady, you cannot go to the Beast Tamers abode. You cannot go to the Grada Mountains," Zafir and Francis both exclaimed upon reading their letters.

"What are you both talking about? I will go no matter what everyone says. I already said that in my letter to my parents and brother Hendrick. And I already warned them not to come here or I won't talk to them ever again," Stella beamed, and Zafir and Francis both flinched.

It was no wonder that the three made them the outlet for their frustration and anger.