Someone More Mature

Stella sighed as Prince Aiden looked like he wanted to cry when she removed her hand from his face.

"Prince Aiden, I believe you were thought by your teachers that it was rude to hold a lady's hand like that and just do as you please," she scolded and he pouted.

"But I long for you so much. I want to hold you in my arms all the time. But all I could touch is your hand. You are all I could think about even in my sleep. I dream about you every night," Aiden said and Stella shivered.

'What the hell?! Even in his dreams?'

As someone who had once lived in her twenties, she knew just what kind of dreams Prince Aiden was talking about. It might be a purely innocent dream most of the time but she knew that every now and then, wet dreams could be one of those.