What Really Happened

What the princes were looking at was Stella straddling Zafir while the latter was embracing her and his face was buried in her chest.

"WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!!" Aiden blurted in shock and fury.

"It's true that they are lovers?!" Conrad exclaimed as well.

"Please calm down you two. I'm sure you are misunderstanding things," Fabian clarified and explained what was going on inside the carriage before he activated the spell to let his two brothers see as well.

* * *

Stella was delighted to have been able to spend a lot of bonding time with Zafir. She wouldn't miss him so terribly once he departs if they continue to have some time together before he leaves.

She hadn't told him about the rumor about them yet and she doesn't know if he already knew. But since there was no talk about it by her knights nor was there a letter from her family, she assumed that the rumors must have remained in the temple.