I Knew Long Ago

Stella flinched when that question finally came. The question about the Great Sage was rather easy since she was just speaking the truth.

But this one, it was quite a hard decision for her what could be said and what couldn't be.

Why didn't she give Zafir clues about his family background since the time she pretended to be able to see the future?

Couldn't she have used that reason to tell him and the family that she knew some things about Zafir's family so he could have been with them earlier?

Why didn't she? Why did she selfishly hold onto him until now?

She gulped. She was a hypocrite. It was time, to be honest with herself.

It was because she was scared that her most loyal ally would leave her side. She was afraid that everyone would turn against her once they knew she wasn't their true family.

She was scared to be all alone again.