I Can Keep Dreaming

Zafir stared at Stella after what she just said. He couldn't believe she was still as clueless as ever about his feelings for her despite how he slipped up in the carriage when he lost his bearings after she suddenly proposed.

He was rather horrified after he had calmed down in his room and realized that perhaps Hendrick and Duke Henry had figured by now that he actually like Stella romantically.

But the next day, the two didn't act hostile to him at all. They acted as they usually did so he surmised that perhaps they didn't notice because they were too worried about Stella at that time.

Or could it be that they wouldn't actually get angry the way he thought they would? After all, they got angry that he rejected Stella's marriage proposal.

No. That couldn't be. With how possessive they were with Stella, they would surely still get angry at him even if not as much as he thought.