
After curing Zafir, the sage treated Stella next. And the burn scars truly did not reappear. Both of them are cured now thanks to the Great Sage.

'He is truly so powerful! I'm so happy to have such a great person on my side.'

"Thank you!" Stella hugged the Great Sage and Zafir was wide-eyed. She could tell he was interpreting it as something else. But she would just have to explain it later.

"Anything for you," the Great Sage said and Stella frowned and unclasped her hands when he was speaking weirdly again. She figured that it was because Zafir was with them.

The sage chuckled at her reaction. She ignored him then and went to Zafir instead.

"You are cured now!" Stella embraced Zafir and he was so embarrassed because the Great Sage was around. His face was red. 

She forgot that to other people, the Great Sage was akin to a divinity so they had to be formal around him.