Entry 1.3: The Eye of the Storm

Boy, do I hate Mondays.

Especially this Monday, since you know..

I had come up with a plan Friday night during a call with Alina that I would walk up to the group on Monday and say, "You all suck" and walk away.

Solid plan.

But, My mom decided to bring me in a little later so we could go to the office and file the report.

So that's what we did.

I ended up coming to my 3rd period (my math period) late because that's how long it took to file the initial report.

My school schedule is a little wonky. So, there's three periods in the morning, then a 10 minute break, then two "middle" classes, then lunch for 50 minutes, then two afternoon classes, then home.

So, I got off third period to go to break, and I walk out of the hallway and immediately see my friend Bree, who runs over and hugs me. Then Alina sees me and comes over to hug me with Bree. Then G sees me and they hug me.

So we're standing in the middle of one of the hallways in a group hug.

Mind you, this is a California school, so they're not technically "hallways" but we're gonna call them that because that's what everyone calls them. Well, everyone in a California school, that is.


We separated and they immediately started questioning everything. Saying things like, "That's was so fucked to if Nick." , "I'm so sorry that all this is happening." And, "We're all here for you." You know, sane people reassurances.

Now, You're probably (not) wondering how Bree knows about this. Well, I'm telling you anyway! Because it is actually important :)

Back to Friday night:

I texted Bree's twin and one of my friends, Kai, after getting pity ice cream.

"Hey, something happened with Nick that I think you should know."

I didn't get a response until Sunday.

I don't feel like writing the whole conversation out, but it was basically Kai telling me that her, Bree, and Noah were with Nick at Starbucks when he encouraged Loi which he said was a "joke"




Back to Monday:

I told Them everything that happened over the weekend (what Nick admitted to) and found something out.

G knew about the cocksucker account the whole time.

Nick and the group had told them and threatened them into not telling me.

Those fuckers. Those stupid asswipes.

I wasn't mad at G, by the way. They apologized profusely and I told them it was fine because they were literally threatened. And that's fucking scary. So I understood.

Then I asked G what had happened on their end.

They said that after Nick made his excuse about his "online friends" they told him off for being so insensitive and Nick decided it would be a brilliant fucking idea to say,

"We'll it's not as bad as what others are saying." *proceeds to send screenshot of server talking shit about me*

Like dude. Really?

You thought you were so smart for sending a ss of people talking shit about me to my best friend??


Then G said that at one point Nick even invited them to the server. They joined it, not knowing what it was, and immediately left after seeing what was actively happening in the chat. (They sent a photo of the group from Halloween and scribbled out my face and wrote loser over it)

I find it so funny that this asswipe thought it was so smart to add my best friend to a server talking shit about me.

Again, absolute dumbass.

Anyway, my report ended up being denied because I "didn't have sufficient evidence", even though I provided screenshots, discord tags, call logs of the whole event, witnesses, and more.

"Didn't have sufficient evidence" my ass.

Everyone involved on the reviewing end got a phone call to their parents though. Don't know how that worked out, but oh well.

That's about it though. There are a few things that have happened and are still happening, hence why I call this a public diary, but yeah.

Oh wait! I forgot to mention one thing.

Nick accused me of sending nudes to Loi!


Yeah, that was a thing. A truly idiotic thing, but still a thing.

Nick got his whole gang to accuse me of this and even emailed the vice principal about it because it was "that important".

Nick's whole story was that Loi was a guy from New York who they met on Roblox and made the server and was someone who I sent nudes to after he harassed me.



FIRST OF ALL, Loi admitted to living in Ohio pretty early on in the whole situation. So your whole New York thing doesn't even work.

Second, how the hell did you meet this guy on Roblox when he was harassing me on Wattpad? That makes zero fucking sense.

Third, why in god's name would he make the server? He has absolutely no motive for that.

Fourth and final, I've never even taken nudes, let alone sent them to anyone. I have a boyfriend. Why the hell would I send nudes to a guy who harassed me over my boyfriend?

They also said I told them all of this.

What kind of idiot do you take me to be to literally admit to sending nudes to an adult man? That's a literal crime and they know I'm a hella goody-two-shoes, so I don't know what the hell they were thinking.

Okay, now that's it. Like I said, I made this a public diary for a reason, so I'll update in a while with some more shit that's happened.

Until next time ;)
