Kane PoV

Kane was confused because Gabriel hadn't explain well the situation of his kills in the letter.

He was standing in front of three walkers, three of which he had killed in human before.

He had planned to go and save Kendra but then the walkers came out from the bushes, it was a horrible thought but Kane thought these walkers were hiding... waiting for a prey but upon seeing Kane, they attacked him.

They weren't more powerful in the least but smarter which freaked Kane out. He left after killing them and decided to test a theory.

He eventually found a couple of men trying to force themselves on a woman, he killed one of them with a gun and the other one he killed with his hands.

Once killed he helped the woman up and she left running away not even thanking Kane. Kane wasn't bothered by it because he was there for something else... besides he wants Kendra.

He suddenly saw movement out of the corner of his eyes and saw both recently killed people become walkers, they stood up and both acted normal like any regular walker, they didn't pounce on him or ran... nothing.

He then decided to do what Gabriel had said. With a knife he cut the palm of his hand and let blood drip on the ground, he covered the wound woth cloth and moved away.

Kane saw the walkers started moving their heads arounds trying to smell something.

Kane witnessed how both walker made it to his blood on the ground and licked it. Nothing happened inmediately but soon a couple minutes later, both walkers became quitely active.

They started whiffing at the air and found Kane, Kane wasn't hiding but he wasn't in the spot where he could be easily spoted, the walkers walked fast towards him.

This was enough to let Kane know what had happened back then.

He bled because taking care of 40 plus people did not leave him unscathed, he was shot and bullets grazed him.

The thing was how many of those 40 plus walkers tasted his blood. It was a gamble but Kane thought out of the forty plus people he killed. At least 20 should have been able to taste his blood since there wasn't much either.

It was a hard guess but he didn't think all of them tried his blood, he remembered when he fought the nemesis with Gabriel.

(A/n: Didn't really fight, kinda been thrown around mostly)

Gabriel had mentioned to him that the Nemesis were created from his blood after they became zombies so all this made sense to him suddenly.

He shuddered at the sight of ten nemesis together, he gulped because he knew he wouldn't be a challenged, he would be thrown around like a rag doll.

Kane did not know however that his blood was not potent enough to create such a creatures, the only creatures he was able to make were smarter and faster walkers.

Kane cleaned the spot where his blood was and threw sand on top of it just to make sure no other walkers can lick it.

Now that he found his theory that concuded with what Gabriel had sakd in the letter, he decided to take care of the walkers instead and go find Kendra later.

He just hoped that Kendra is safe, somehow he feels she is fine.

Kane went back to look for the improved walkers and he managed to find some. He found four more but that was it.

He couldn't find more and night was already aproaching so he decided to put a tent on top of a semi and slept there.


Next day Kane 'woke up' to groans and walkers surrounding the semi.

Amongst the walker he found two of the inproved ones, they seemed to be leading the rest.

Kane took out his rifle and shot the two improved ones in the head killing them instantly.

As soon as he did that, some of the walkers stopped clawing at the semi and just walked around aimlessly.

"I guess that should be all" he hoped wiping his sweat off.

He looked ahead and saw his car wasn't heavily surrounded by walkers so he jumped off the semi from the side there were less wakers and ran towards it.

He inserted the key and tried to start it up but it wasn't, he frowned because it was in good conditions when he left it.

He looked ahead and saw a walker wearing an overall with greese on it. There was a wrench on its hand, he panicked and looked around, he saw the walkers were surrounding him, he tried to run again but the walkers swarmed him and soon started clawing at him.


Kane woke up sweating "fuck! it was a dream" he cursed popping his head out the tent and saw no walkers surrounding him.

He sighed "Damn! I think I'm going crazy, I need to get laid" he said getting out of the tent.

He went to his car and start it up easily without any problems, he sighed again and left to go and look for Kendra once again.


Gabriel and Rick were staring ahead at a walker with an overal and a wrench on its hand.

"Did someone call a mechanic?" joked Gabriel.

"That'll be me" yelled back Dale from the back making everyone laugh.

Rick took out his knife


He stabbed it right in the head.

"Mother, how much longer do we have?" asked Gabriel approaching his mom.

His mom kissed his delicious lips "Only about 10 miles, son... see you can see the wall from here already" she pointed at the walls.

Everyone turned and gasped because it was a really huge place protected by walls. People started celebrating since they would finally sleep without fear of a walker tresspassing their fences amd eat them in their sleep.

"We only have around 10 houses with some storages and wharehouses to keep our crops in, we have 3 houses in the farmers side where the land can be used to breed animals, 3 in the training grounds and 3 on another farmer side where the place around can be used to raise crops... I'm sure we can accomodate everyone around as well as give them positions, the river passing by us is wide and deep and the current is strong for walkers or even people to cross it, there are channals going around a great piece of land to raise the crops there amongs ither things that will be told once we get there" said his mother.

Gabriel nodded.

"Wait, you said 10 house and you only mentioned 9 just now, what about the other one?" asked Madison.

"Oh, that's where my new husband" he grabbed her son's hand "and his wives will live from now on, it is a really big house enough for all of us, we have many rooms there" she replied happily.

Gabriel chuckled "I doubt they would want to sleep away from me" he said in a low voice.

"You got that right!" said Maggie and Patricia aproaching him, soon all his girls surrounded him and kissed him.

They went back to their vehicles and drove towards the new place.


(A/n: I have been trying so hard to find the right name to this new place. I need help guys!!😭 I suck at naming, I was trying to name it Gabrieland but I know that sucks! Something the would mean prosperity, new beginning and the real beggining of the future. Please don't suggest tomorrowland because I had thought about it and it doesn't sound great!😅)