Ch.04: Mine and the young emperor, It's another cliche encounter!

Three weeks after receiving Incursio, Mizuki found herself in front of the mirror.

It reflected a beautiful sweet-looking woman, pink hair, brown eyes and a small mole near her lips.

Her clothing consisted of a small outfit similar to Esdeath's covered in a dark-toned leather overcoat as well as her boots.

Behind her was the pink-pigtailed maid of hers, she is a character known in the future as Night Raid's number one sniper, Mine and remembering how he met her, Mizuki sighed at the fate of her cliche. ..

It all started the week before, Mizuki managed to convince Esdeath to go out and visit the streets of the empire, but who would say that she barely walked a few blocks saw her, being bothered by nobles and various villagers just for being of mixed blood.

And Mizuki being Mizuki, she ran to her side, grabbed her hand and led her away from the masses, at the same time she also saw a silver-haired girl out of the corner of her eye.

But that's when she understood, if he ignored her, Mine might be picked up by Najenda who had defected from the empire shortly after Bulat's death, but even if that happened, Mizuki would hate herself for not helping her when she could and a Mine with Tsundere's character was something hard to deny.

But coming back to the present, Mizuki adjusted the necklace around his neck and left towards the gates of the mansion with some fear, Esdeath would return today and after thinking of thousands of methods to allow her to possess Mine, he gave up.

Perhaps if he was sincere, he would allow her a maid? he really didn't know, but he would fight for it.

Of course when he saw her in the distance he was surprised, Esdeath looked like a fantasy beauty and the world itself said so.

Her beautiful face plus the brightness of the sun behind her made her dazzling, not for nothing was she the waifu material of thousands of people in Mizuki's past life.

Esdeath also looked at him and smiled at him like a girl in love, but when he saw Mine that he was only a few steps away from Mizuki, his face turned cold.

At first I find it interesting, a man cursed and turned into a woman seemed like a good quality pet, but later that day he saw a smile that left her speechless.

Even the following days he thought about taking her to the dark room and playing with her whips.

Making her moan seemed like an achievement for a sadist like her, but seeing her smile and thank him every time they trained her left her doubting her.

Was this love?

Since his departure from the extinct Partas clan, he had never seen anyone like his equal and following his father's words, "The strong survive and the weak die", he considered Mizuki to be the weak one, but today his whole world seemed to change.

Did he feel the danger of losing it?

Esdeath didn't know, nor did she want to know, now she only cared to see what he would do to make her happy.

On the other hand, Mizuki approached Esdeath and gave her his hand to lower her from the horse, but she only looked into her eyes and said:

"Who gave you permission?"

He just smiled and pulled her on his horse, he knew that this queen was something of a tsundere, but he believed that Incursio could make him as strong as her.

But Esdeath didn't resist either and fell to Mizuki's chest, the problem was that his curves made him look like a yuri match in Mine's eyes who she didn't know about Mizuki's "curse".

Of course, if Mizuki knew that her image had flipped 180 degrees in Mine's mind, she would spit blood.

But her misery aside, Mizuki introduced Esdeath to her adventures for the week and took her to meet her tsundere maiden.

Esdeath looked Mine all over the place and snorted, he really wanted to get rid of her, but since her pet got it, he would let her have it.

Mine for her part was also respectful, especially since Esdeath was a warlike general and that was public knowledge.

She could either smile toasting her allies or smile cutting her enemies, no doubt she was a dangerous species dressed as a human.

Of course, Mine acted rationally and walked away from Mizuki and Esdeath leaving them in the main room while she calmly left.

Esdeath smiled upon seeing her and said:

"Not bad"

But Mizuki just waved her hand and replied. — "She's mine, don't harm her"

"Whatever you say Mizuki-Kun~", she stroked the pink hair of the 'girl' next to her and walked towards the baths, while leading her by the hand.

Mizuki for her part felt her heart at the limit of her, it was not the first time that he saw her take a bath, but seeing the soft white skin of her companion left him dry.

Seeing her undress was a work of art in motion and her sleek body plus the tattoo on her chest only highlighted her youthful looking sexiness of hers.

Her only problem with partner baths was that her general always seemed to enjoy groping her.

But groping him as a man wouldn't be as annoying as now that she had these annoying sensations under her belly. But Mizuki did not turn away from her, this would only be added to her account book for her future revenge.

That's when he has the sadistic queen begging to stop, but he won't and will take her breath away, at least that's how Mizuki thinks, of course, it all depends on her luck and endurance with her masculine body.

But leaving that aside, his future days followed the same routine until the event that changed everything.

A year after his arrival in the world of Akame ga kill, Mizuki met the emperor who had disguised himself as a commoner to walk around his empire.

And Mizuki being Mizuki came back to rescue him thinking that he was an ordinary commoner who almost got tricked by the nasty nobles, but this wasn't the problem, the problem was that the emperor was a boy in his teens.

And a teenager is always prey to his impulses and as such, can fall prey to the syndrome called first love.

The only problem was that he didn't want to be the object of his first love.

Unfortunately neither Esdeath who was fighting in the north nor the obliging minister managed to get the emperor to take Mizuki to his palace.

He for his part just sighed, his life became another cliché of the romantic type...

The commoner and the prince of her, what a shit...