CH.20: Akame ga Kill, Final Arc.「【Part V 】」

After blowing up the former minister's mansion, Syura's companions ran towards Bols' house, however, at that moment, a shadow fell over their heads.

She was a short beauty with long hair, dragon wings on her back, and a tight-fitting outfit with a black leather corset that she matched with the rest of her Conchevin-colored clothes.

But to the members of Wild Hunt, that beauty meant nothing but trouble, and thankfully, it passed her by.

However, they didn't know that they were totally ignored for being too weak and now, the person who was in the air was heading towards their leader Syura wanting to chop off his head.

After all, after thinking about the events of the manga and seeing Enshin with a group of Great Danes, Mizuki thought the worst.

But even if he was wrong, Mizuki increased his speed while praying that it's not too late.

Of course, Mizuki also ignored the guys below because he saw one of the Wild Hunt members fighting the Jaggers, not to mention that seeing Bols appear out of the blue only affirmed his ideas...

We should know that even though Champ is a pedophile, he wasn't sick enough to mix children with animals, but Syura was also a bastard and even if he didn't give that idea, no one can implement it without him knowing.

But after seeing Bols, Mizuki thought about Enshin's death, that surely bought her a few seconds and refusing to give up, Mizuki activated his second evolution and caused a gust of wind as she flew to the masked assassin's house.



At the same time that bols arrived at the minister's mansion, in one of the poor neighborhoods of the capital, a golden-haired man was flying following the traces and rumors about a dangerous person who arrived in the capital together with the son of the minister Honest.

But this wasn't a selfless act of justice, it was revenge.

Several years ago, when the winged youth was an ordinary person, in his time as a teacher he witnessed the decline of his students, they who were considered Angels by that beast, were brutally killed and assaulted (1) while he was not present.

When he returned, he realized how dirty the capital was, his students were perhaps just one of the many cases that existed, but Run believed that he could fix it from the inside, although slow, it was safer to prevent wars and so he did. .

He enlisted in the army, gained prestige and got the winged teigu Mastema, but in his head there was always the image of a nefarious guy.

A large, obese individual with dark skin and a face made up like a clown's. He had a bald head except for the hair that he possessed located near his ears. He used to wear a classic clown suit and underneath which he wore typical clothes of the people of the 18th century, with long sleeves and a ruff (2) on his neck.

And that same characteristic was seen a couple of days ago in the capital, obviously this was no longer something to run away from and now, it was just kill or be killed...


Similarly, the house of the murderer Bols had an unexpected guest, the strange guest was the son of Minister Honest.

He had an angry look and kicked the door hard, walking arrogantly, he activated Shambhala to send Bols to his father's mansion, obviously though he could send him further, what was the point of that? Syura just wanted to see him suffer and if Bols didn't arrive on time... What good were dogs, he wasn't 'sick' enough to see a girl suffer without the help of her parents...

But after thinking about the affiliations of his companions, he hummed, surely Bols's family would have bad luck and after cruelly smiling, Syura spoke:

"Scared? I'll bring dogs for you...", and after joyfully observing the looks of the mother-daughter couple, she asked them mockingly. "Do you think I won't kill them for being part of the empire? Do you think I care what my father says?" Shaking her head, Syura sat on one of the chairs in the room and raised her voice as she pointed at them. :

"No! I don't give a shit! Why do you think I want dogs?" Smiling, Syura thought of his father's look, there was fear just like these women's and to him, it was disgusting, but as every good aristocrat, Syura told the facts truthfully(?):

"You're going to be raped, girl. However, that's life, isn't it? You don't always get what you want..." Looking at Kije(3)'s terrified face, Syura licked her lips and approached grabbing her daughter by the neck, she spoke harshly to her while her mother's face paled.

However, a shadow fell from the sky causing a cloud of dust and from it came a voice saying:

"The same I tell you Syura...."

"Sham-bha ——————", Quickly Syura tried to activate her teigu, but her voice cut off along with her frozen head.

It was Mizuki, who arrived a few seconds after the other person, however, he cut off her head as she had planned.

At the same time, she looked at the corpse on the ground, picked up the Shambhala, and finished her words with a sigh of relief:

"...You're just a background character, die like one...(*Sigh*)"


Shaking her head, Mizuki smiled at the other figure and reached out to hug her, cupping her cheeks and giving her a deep kiss.

Not for nothing, her ice queen had come to stop Syura, she would have really hated herself if she failed despite her strength, but luckily Esdeath had come along with her pet...

But after kissing her, Mizuki realized that the war was over and that only meant that her journey was about to end.

But battles aside, he still had a few things to do and as such, he clasped the general in her arms as he flew her away.

Meanwhile, in the distance, a masked man ran past towards the house destroyed by Esdeath's arrival (she came flying on the dangerous dragon-type beast), but upon seeing him, Mizuki smiled...

It didn't matter much what will happen in this world, whether they are murderers or not, Mizuki's journey was over and now, he just had to enjoy the time he had left.

After all, he only had two months left in this world...


NOTE: At first he wanted to make an epic fight, but after thinking about it, Syura is not worth it....


01:「Recently I was restricted from the novel for using kanjis and I don't want it to happen again for using words like vi**ci**es, I'm not very clear about the letters that are censored, but just in case...」

02:「The Gola is a handmade collar made of cloth or other material that simulates the collars of shirts.」

03:「Kije is the name of Bols's wife.」


Alternative Titles:「Countdown, namek nomba to (number 2 / bad english) is coming; Plans, Mizuki feels that he can control the world ??? (I still don't remember the number and I'm too lazy to read...)」