Shortly after arriving at the [Fujiwara Family]'s house, Yumeko got off Mizuki's back and gave her cell number:
"Now we can call each other about class rep stuff we don't understand..."
Smiling, she turned to him and continued, "Speaking of which, Suzushiro-kun is really cute and she looks like a girl, so I was going to tell you to be careful at night, but I know you'll be fine...
Because today, Suzushiro-kun was very manly!"
But after leaving Fujiwara at her house, Mizuki thought about her trip, but just steps from reaching the bedroom, she saw a thin-looking person, hidden by a small hood with horns on her sides. .
(I guess the peaceful day ends here, well... that's easy to see from the loli in front of my eyes, Loki, the goddess of deception.) Thinking of this, Mizuki walked towards her confidently.
It was about Loki, or as she calls herself in this world, Loki Asgard, goddess of lies.
Loki was indeed a beautiful girl, blond hair and golden eyes, small and slim stature, but above all, pure.
Thousands of years being a virgin was something that surprised Mizuki, in fact, she made him happy.
On the other hand, Loki also spoke with a playful smile, it was obvious that her entertainment product had changed and she wanted to know the reason for that: "Scared?"
But Mizuki just shook her head and took her hands out of her pockets.
He bowed like a gentleman and said mockingly:
"I acted for 2 chapters to distract you, I even thought you'd come next week, but thank you...
I can't stand being like this."
Even with that sarcasm, his words surprised the goddess who couldn't help but ask. -"What?"
But the boy in front of her just smiled strangely as he replied calmly:
"... 'The one who guides', is what prevented you from running away"
Loki also reacted and preparing to attack, she asked her irritably. -"Who are you!?"
But Mizuki activated her Teigu at the same time and was quickly surrounded by blood-like lines that turned into a beautiful dark suit with golden details. At the same time, a fancy crown shone on his head.
But that transformation wasn't that amazing for a goddess like Loki and if it wasn't for the two pairs of wings on the back of the boy in front of her, she'd think he was just some random onmyoji.
But this boy was not just anything and he quickly explained why:
"Didn't you think about it already? You have false memories since the day I arrived!"
Shaking his head, Loki transformed Kuro into a sword. (the chicken)
But Mizuki just snorted: "I am the emperor! No one can control me, much less god!"
Muttering, Mizuki said the name of his Teigu as he looked at the surprised image of the Norse goddess.
"Ille qui ducit"
And as if by magic, she quickly let go of her resistance after hearing the following words from her:
"System Armed"
Surprisingly, Loki wasn't the only person who knelt in front of him.
There was also her childhood friend of hers, Ichimomji Takeru, he had arrived shortly after he met the Asgardian goddess and knelt beside her. -"...Teacher"
"Now just take the curse off me, Loki, there's no need to play anymore"
Of course, Mizuki didn't mind Takeru either, and although it was a surprise to see him there, after meeting Loki, she knew that his pantheon had already set an eye on Japan.
In fact, he wished to meet the goddess a few days later, but since he already had her by his side, he altered her parameters and. he fulfilled the first objective of his: To erase the curse from him.
After that, he called her main system and proclaimed:
"...It's time to start Cleah"
Instantly, everything around her faded and the world fell silent.
Fortunately it was his main world and the system would not unpause until he returned.
But what Mizuki's eyes saw was not something she wants to find...
It was another system and that was a problem, she had spent one out of three trips for nothing and even worse, this system had found them from the beginning and apparently, she was not happy to meet them...
But what bothered Mizuki, was that all his plans had gone to waste, starting with this...