Ch.27: Demon, Lust and greed. (Part 3)


No. 17 fired ki blasts.


However, in the next instant, Gohan came flying at him and squeezing his face.

He pushed him into the buildings as he clenched his fist back and grinning punched him.

"What?!" No. 17's pupils shrank, the blow of an angry phase 2 Saiyan was dangerous and more so if it was from Gohan.


The power of the blow created a crater in the ground, but the blond youth only fell flat on the ground.

"AH ——————!" No. 17 felt pain, Gohan had crushed his body with beastly force, but his regret was knowing that a weakling was stronger than ever.

However, No.17's bitterness was only the surprise of others.


In another place, a green shadow looked fearfully at the fight in the sky and muttered:

"What is that monster?!"

In fact, Cell thought that after seeing No. 17 he would just have to wait for him to lose to swallow him and look for No. 18, but after seeing the Saiyan, he smiled and had other plans, obviously as having the same blood, he knew that the 'Rage' period only lasted for a limited time and then a period of exhaustion would come.

In fact, that's the only thing that stopped him from running away, and his ability to devour...

Cell knew that if he ate it, he would exceed his state of perfection... That's why he was looking for the androids!, but this was like a gift from heaven and smiling, he disappeared into the shadows with his body ready to attack ...


On the other hand, close to the place.

Number 18 looked at the place filled with lights and Ki waves and muttered worriedly, "No. 17..."

It was clear that his brother might lose, but coming back wasn't a good thing, not to mention he might be playing too, it's not like he never did.

However, the strange feeling of tightness in her chest worried her.

#18 shook her head and slapped her cheeks hard; Shortly after that, she flew straight into the cave with the intention of asking for the help of her master...




"This ki...Gohan"

Mizuki looked up at the sky shortly after saying goodbye to the girls, it wasn't that he had forgotten Gohan, but he wasn't that worried, what he was worried about was #18.

If she kept fighting, it would be difficult to seek help from 21.

In fact, she might go out and eat it, but who knows if she was in the mood to do so.

Doubtfully, Mizuki sat on a rock and waited for 18.

But shortly after waiting around half an hour at the top, he saw a figure flying towards him quickly.

"Are you here?" Mizuki smiled.

A few seconds later, No.18 was flying seventy or eighty meters in front of him and after seeing him, she was shocked and then said with concern, "My brother is fighting..."

Mizuki looked at No.18 with a smile, it wasn't that he was worried about being hated, but he knew that a Saiyan's rage period was short, almost an hour and counting time, No.17's infinite power could kill him when get tired, that is if you don't die...

But he didn't care either. It's a shame that he died, but he never planned to take it with him, so it was for the best...

"No.18, it's hard to save him, but if we use Bulma's time machine we can avoid this…"

"Time Machine?"

In No.18's thoughts, the time machine was an excuse, he knew well that if they couldn't beat him Saiyan, much less him.

But now he only had to give up and that was something he hated, "where did that girl go?

No. 18 had an ominous premonition in her heart and did not hesitate to grab the last straw to save her brother's life.

"No.18... Fine, you win..." Mizuki shook her head slightly and disappeared from the scene.


Using his ability as owner of the world, he appeared a few steps away from Android 21 (Majin).

And she just smiled: "You came to play~"

But Mizuki just smiled and answered:

"Are you hungry?"


"Hah Hah hah ha..." Gohan breathed heavily, his anger was nothing to kill 17, but he was unconscious for almost an hour and only acting on impulse, but the worst thing was that he couldn't kill him because of the kind of green.

"Dammit!" Gohan clenched his fists, thinking he'd gone far enough, but now, 'it still doesn't work!'

"Damn it! Why can't I kill him?!"

'No, I need power, enough power to kill this monster'

Gohan's thirst for power was not something difficult to understand. All of his friends died and in this world, the existence of androids made it impossible for them to fly to Namek in a short time.

But that plan was also in place if the time machine failed, but now one more guy had appeared and his hermit seeds had fallen into who knows where.


Gohan watched Android 17 place his hand with a smile on the shoulder of his 'ally'. -"Thanks friend"

But Cell only smiled and stretched out his tail(?) which quickly opened and swallowed the careless No. 17's head.

"What the hell?!"

Gohan's eyes widened and Cell smiled back at him, "Thanks for wearing him out... I thought I should seek help from Capsule Corp."


"I know, that woman is building a time machine, she deduced it after seeing her last encounters until the arrival of that girl." Cell grinned as he saw the Saiyan's surprise and revealed his findings, but Gohan just muttered in dismay:

"That traitor?"

"Her arrival confirmed it for me, her ship is the same as the photos I saw of Bulma's prototype."

"What did you do to him!?" Gohan clenched his fist to the point of bleeding, but his anger no longer served to transform and he only heard the monster's mockery:

"Hahaha! Don't be scared... I need her alive so I can finish it"

"Grr, damn…" he muttered resignedly.

Of course, Cell only spoke calmly because he knew Gohan would be a bit weak for a few minutes, but it was long enough to swallow 17.

But what they didn't know was that Mizuki flew with 18 to the place and they were about to arrive.

Although after seeing them, Cell smiled believing that it was easy food, but little did he know that the main course of dinner would be him.