With the sound of the wind, an egg-like ship disappeared next to Karin's tower while most of the Z Fighters could only see it from afar.
But that was not the only thing that attracted attention in the scene, each one of them arrived at the place with strange looks and several questions in their heads.
Because there is no Karin tower!
And it was unheard of to relate those events when that "ship" was the same as that of his friend Trunks.
We must know that the world of Dragon Ball does not have the standard thought of the traveler, for them, the closest thing to the pocket dimension is the Hoi-Poi capsules and they never thought of taking such huge things in them.
And the tower is something huge.
But even if there was no such concept, after seeing the two people hugging intimately, Gohan and the others could only curse and fly towards god (Dendé) together with Mr. Popo and Karin.
Not for nothing was there a huge hole in front of them and it would be a lot of work to recover it without the help of the dragon, and more so now when the tournament and Goku's arrival were not far away...
Of course, even if the tower was missing, Shenron could retrieve it or they could build another one, but the problem was the lack of the time chamber and the hermit seeds...
That in itself was annoying and they could only catch a glimpse of the thieves' intimate "kiss" as they mocked them. (???)
But what they didn't know, was that Mizuki wasn't happy with his visitor either, on the contrary, he was upset...
"...I found you"
"You are...?!"
Mizuki was surprised to see the girl sitting on her lap and couldn't help but hug her, but quickly caught herself and activated her system. It would really be annoying if he died from lust alone, not to mention that although this girl was beautiful, her crystalline body was not erotic enough to take the attention away from the important thing, her "ship".
Hope (1) was damaged again and the worst thing is that she exploded. (Trip explosion? Mizuki doubts it, mostly because Lagss must have pressed something with her butt.)
But after sighing and feeling happy that he hadn't forgotten to take Bulma's (TM) from the future.
Mizuki looked at the arid ground of the place and understood that she was not on earth, but there was also no blue grass so it was not Namek and the only ki that existed was from various animals, insects and others, but she did not know what they were. ..
Not to mention being seen by a girl out of nowhere also left more questions than answers, it's not like Dragon Ball is a Harem and so on...
"Hm... where are we?" Mizuki wondered as he alternated his gaze between the girl and the scenery.
"Planet Vampa..." Lagss muttered, but Mizuki reacted.
Before he died he had seen this movie and although he didn't remember it at all, the most striking thing was the green-skinned girl (Chirai / Cheelai), of course, the transformations too, but that's not important here.
Mizuki stroked the crystal-skinned girl's head and activated his system to avoid clichéd events (Friend becomes enemy).
After that, Mizuki sent her to the Inner World and put away the time machine to head to a cave that felt dangerous.
It's obvious because, there were a couple of people with tails that Mizuki knew and that can be bad if not treated carefully...
To begin with, one of them was more dangerous than the next, but thinking about the plot of the last dragon ball movie he saw, this trip may have some benefit.
It's not like Paragus is as much of an idiot as he is in Z's version.
And Broly is a normal guy who doesn't radiate was irritability and excessive hatred for everyone. (It's the first version of it was very HP)
Not to mention that his arrival here can serve as a reference for his last trip and return to the main timeline. (the traveler's)
Not to mention how easy it would be to get Chirai, goddesses like Vados and Marcarita wouldn't be a problem, but that's impossible.
They are both angels above the gods of destruction and Mizuki doesn't think with his dick to look for those problems when he can barely handle the ones he has.
But leaving that aside. Mizuki took a deep breath and entered the cave while seeing the muscular guy who could literally kill gods just by screaming... (The craziest Rage in DBZ is Broly's and more so now with Super, it's not like it's that hard to tell how broken this is, but hey, this meeting will be just that... a meeting).
(another note)
(There are two chapters of travel and return to AGK)