Ch.37: Travels, Search and capture. (Part 5)

It's been 3 days and Mizuki managed to gain some trust from Broly while his father was away, of course, Mizuki doubts that they are now rivals for majin 21 and if it wasn't for having to wait for Chirai, he would have called her to eat them's not like Broly was her friend and having #21 in itself was dangerous, she's the only girl he knows who loves food more than him, besides, Paragus also wants to kill him and only puts up with it for He hasn't done anything out of the ordinary.

Of course, Mizuki didn't do that either because she didn't know if Lama and Chirai will fly to Vampa without the Saiyan's presence...

After all, without them, the Broly movie would never start...

"My feathers are to be thrown onto my fiancée's body as a ritual, so don't help her, I won't hurt her.."

Mizuki shielded himself between excuses when he saw the ship approaching from afar.

Broly didn't think too much either, Mizuki had already given him one of his feathers and it was soft so he thought it was fine.

"Well..." Broly nodded and looked at the ship somewhat bewildered.

Mizuki looked at him and thought that it was not a bad idea to be friends with Broly, it is true that he has been thinking about how to manipulate him so that he does not cause problems, but after seeing the ship arrive at Vampa, he just breathed a sigh of relief and contacted Lagss who is found in the ring.

He had spent three days controlling and discovering who she was, and after knowing that she was sent by the demon race, he thought that it was not safe to be here, he knew that the worlds created by his time travels were very real and if he did not return to the world of the travesser, it was clear that his problems will multiply...

Of course this isn't like it's a hard thing to think about either, the time machine can only create a new parallel line and the only way to go back to the past is by using her travel card, but she only had one left and Mizuki plans to save it until that is necessary.

"By the way, are you hungry?"

Mizuki asked Broly and without waiting for an answer, he gave him a cloth bag. "Have..."

Broly opened it, raised one of her eyebrows and said, "Seeds?"

"Yeah, a couple will fill you up, but if you're hurt they can heal you and..."

"Broly." A voice came interrupting her words, it was paragus, her father...


"Who do you think you are?!". Paragus threw the seeds on the ground and crushed them with his boot, he was angry with his son for not killing the skinny guy in front of him, but he also knew that it was not in vain, he heard their conversation and with the help of his son, he could steal his ship .

Seeing this, Mizuki frowned, this old man was annoying, but seeing Lemo's arrival, he shot the feathers at him while Paragus who thought they were attacking him, dodged and fired two Ki bombs. But Mizuki just brushed them away with her hands and said, "I'll give you the ship, Paragus."

After that, he flew in the direction of the ship and landed in front of Chirai.

She is a pretty girl, small in stature and with large breasts, her skin tone is light green, her hair is short and white with bangs on her forehead and the iris of her eyes is greyish-violet. with black pupils.

He wears a stretchy purple spandex suit and white combat armor with a green segment in the torso area, this spandex he uses is inside his green pointed boots and gloves, a fraction of it is exposed, covering part of his body. her legs and wrists.

She also has her legs bare, using the purple spandex like shorts that cover her waist area, which is fastened with a metal belt to which she has a gray case attached and wears a green tracker on. his left eye.

But that's not all, she is a young criminal, a fugitive from the Galactic Patrol, who ended up becoming a soldier in Frieza's army after the rebirth of his Galactic Empire.

For her part, Lemo is just a standard orange alien and Chirai's partner/pilot.

In fact, Mizuki only remembers her name because of the facility she has and his role as a follower of his waifu...

"Who are you?!"

Chirai was startled when she saw an angel in front of her eyes, but she quickly smiled.

We must know that although there are many aliens in the world of Dragon Ball, the vast majority with human features still have the same taste and Mizuki is handsome enough for a person like her. (his aura from her cough*)

Of course, Mizuki didn't flatter her, she just took her hand and disappeared leaving the trio of men speechless.

But this she didn't do because she couldn't resist the urge to take her to the room, Cleah told her that she felt a dangerous presence coming towards them, and the only presences that can make her say that are the systems, gods and beings with a power capable of to kill Mizuki in seconds.

But there was something good in all this, this presence was not from the dimensional god, it was just Beerus, the god of destruction. And if her assumptions were correct, it was directed by Whis.

Of course it's not like they care either, now Mizuki has the help of a person capable of traveling the multiverse and escaping is much easier than it seems.

Not to mention that they already got what they wanted from this place and now only her last trip remains.


To universe 6.