In Agath, there is no religion because the king pronounced himself as the only being worthy of being worshipped but there are some believers who worship a divine being, Ala. She is seen as the earth herself. They believe that the earth is responsible for life so they worship their goddess. Those in the lowlands and badlands secretly worship Ala for years. Anyone caught in the open would be immediately beheaded or hanged. Families believed that Ala justifies the oppressed. There was hope that she would one day put an enyf to the tryrany that has been raging for years. One day the priestess in the badlands opened her eyes. Her eyes had been shut from birth and there was no saying whether she was blind or not. She was seen as the priestess because she could heal and she prophesied of three guardians that would come from outside the continent of Agath. She said that the guardians would be granted the blessings of Ala and there would come to protect Lecia. The day her eyes opened was the day the three guardians were born.
The other three smaller continents were Tian, Pria and Dun. On the day the priestess opened her eyes, three children were born in these three continents. The continent of Tian is covered in the rain forest. There was two rivers running through the continent. The trees were very tall and all specie and type of beast were all there.
The continent of Dun is found in the mountains. Dun is surrounded by mountains and it is also known as the highlands because the highest mountains and peaks are found there. Pria has a high species of birds and flying beasts including the vwerns. Vwerns are like dragons but smaller in size and they do not breathe out fire. The people built their homes in the mountains using the rocks.
The continent of Pria is the coldest place in the whole of Lecia. It is a very large island found in the middle of the ocean. There are no snow but the place is relatively cold. A few beast live on the island but the ocean is filled with Aquatic beast and a village is located right in the middle of the island. The village has various tribes scattered all over the island.
The prophecy said 'A child would be born in each of the three continents and they would be the guardian of the world of Lecia putting an end to every threat'.
A cry of a baby could be heard in these three continents at the same time. In Tian, a baby girl was born into a black family. The baby girl had brown curly hair, green eyes and an ebony skin. More than half of the village in the forest are dark skinned and they are only found in Tian. Meanwhile at the same moment on a mountain in Dun, another female was born. She had amber eyes and a fair skin. Her hair was brown. And finally in Pria, a baby was born in a pool. The pool of water is warm and it has healing properties. No one could explain why it was that way. Babies are born in the pool to protect them from the cold on the island at birth but they immediately get accustomed to it some hours later. The baby born on that island is quite different. She had blue eyes, white hair and long white lashes and her skin was almost white and it shone like ivory. The moment the prophetess opened her eyes, one of the servant girls who worked for the prophetess was shocked and she quickly alerted some of the believers living close by. When they asked what happened, she simply said,
"The time has come."
The people were confused as the priestess didn't say more. Soon news began to spread throughout the badlands that the priestess who had her eyes closed from birth had it opened and she could see fine. People were quite shocked because the priestess isn't young herself. She is in her early sixty's though her appearance may say otherwise. She has long black hair which was always braided into two and she wairs a long blue robe. When she opened her eyes, her puipls were blue and green. She was indeed very beautiful.