Chapter 10: The most is the amorous feelings at that glance

This was the habit when Roger made videos.

When new games appear, they have a new discussion, To make complaints about the heat, it is inevitable to make a video to have a discussion.

Sometimes one video's content is not enough, so he should find some topic to make the duration enough.

It's not embarrassing to do this because he needs to earn money.

Over time, Roger could talk about a topic for a long time without pressure.

After transmigrating, he couldn't talk nonsense.

But sometimes, he can't bear to talk about it in his heart.

He thought, I just said it in my heart, there's no problem?

There is someone who knows my heart, that's impossible.

So he was polite on the surface, but he thought many things in his heart.

Even too active and unscrupulous.

Such as when the queen asked how to make the seventeen countries surrender to her, he thought it was boring.

Call any Chinese student and you will get full marks.

Because we live in a unified country, unlike the western counties!

The background of this world was the middle age of Europe. She didn't know the wisdom of the Eastern country!

[Unify weights and measures, create a fast and convenient post road system, a unified national document system, and establish real centralization of power!]

[To make the 17 countries return to their heart, the core is to create a unified cultural belief, language, living habits, and festival celebrations.]

[To be clear, the Green Vines empire was a very respectable country.]

[Write textbooks about the achievements of the queen and enforce them. When the younger generation of the 17 countries grow up, wouldn't they yearn for the Empire?]

[In this way, we will subdue the soldiers without fighting. This is a cultural invasion!]

The Green Vines empire is the most respectful country? Write textbooks about the achievements of the queen and enforce them?

She was surprised that these suggestions were new.

The imperialists are quite pragmatic.

Those who are not convinced of them either fight or bribe with money and the way to solve the problem is straightforward.

Angelina and Margaret's plans didn't go out of their limitations.

The queen is also a violent maniac.

From where do they know what is public opinion, what is controlling people's hearts, and what is cultural invasion?

It's just that you can get the world right away, but you can't rule the world right away.

In the thirteen-year perpetual calendar at the beginning of the plot, the Empire has not solved the problem of separation of the people of the seventeen countries.

If this problem is not solved, the army will not develop smoothly.

Roger, with the wisdom of the East, cut in from culture and laid out the key points of the foundation of the unified empire of the Qin Dynasty(a dynasty in China).

Nature is as powerful as the queen of eternal night, who is also amazing!

This is a collision of two completely different thinking systems!

Her many unsolvable problems suddenly came to light!

This is to destroy the past 17 countries from the root!

The queen seemed to see the grand scene of the coming of the Green Vines empire one day!

But there's one problem...

Roger said that the method is almost perfect and can achieve the foundation of the prosperity of the Empire for thousands of years.

However, it takes longer than Angelina's plan.

The queen of eternal night regrets:

"Unfortunately, even if we find a good method, I'm afraid it can't take effect immediately. The empire can't wait..."

"Your Majesty, you must be strong. I believe the empire can do it. There are more ways than difficulties...!"

Roger felt that if the queen treated him like a tree hole again.

It's good to loaf around, but it's hard to see an idiot's problem and a cup can't be filled!

I'm not interested& nbsp;

So he can only direct and act in a small theatre in his heart:

I'm not interested& nbsp;

[No, the queen will feel sad, and there will be times when she is not confident in the future?]

I'm not interested

[Now the conflict between the Empire and the gods is only beginning to appear, and the unrest in the seventeen countries has not reached its peak. It should not be difficult to solve this problem!]

I'm not interested

[it's too late for reunification, but in this blue world, as long as you prove that you do better than your hometown, won't you do it?]

I'm not interested.

[human beings always have a filter for the past. The solution is simple. They can reproduce the memory of their hometown directly. Without comparison, there will be no harm!m

[the Empire sent people to pretend to be the national restoration army, and the slogan is to recover the country without food!]

I'm not interested.

[When the restoration army comes, collects heavy taxes, all kinds of beating, smashing, and looting, and even has another first night right... Hey, ensure that the people of the 17 countries spit blood and open the gate to welcome the Empire to rule!]

After eavesdropping on Roger's voice, the queen of the eternal night couldn't help but rise to the table:

"Roger is right. Sure enough, there are more ways than difficulties!"

Pretending to be the restoration army? Propaganda does not pay for food?

This sounds outrageous. What does the national restoration army eat without food?

But people are always greedy. If someone makes a wish, someone believes.

When hope is broken, it will be when those people hate their hometown most!

Then you'll find out... Hey, the empire is better!

No harm without comparison!

The queen of the eternal night also experienced countless struggles. At this time, her mind was opened, and a series of plans, large and small, were nested based on "pretending to be the national restoration army".

Fight, smash and rob do it really, fill the economic deficit of the Empire!

Use the law enforcement of the restoration army to gather the survivors of the 17 countries who most yearn for their hometown and take them out of a pot!

You can also ask for all kinds of benefits from the seven God Church in the name of the restoration army!

"Ah? Your majesty, have you found a way?"

The Queen of Eternal Night's sudden rise startled Roger.

Looking at her excited expression and bright eyes, she unconsciously reeled her eyes.

The queen of eternal night, who regained her self-confidence, was as dazzling as the bright moon on a starry night and could not be looked at.


The queen of eternal night smiled and nodded.

I didn't think of it anyway. I copied the answer from you, young man!

"Congratulations, your majesty."

Roger's voice was sincere.

After all, he is in the Empire.

The stronger and more stable the empire is, the safer he could loaf around.

It's good for her to clear her mind and solve the trouble of the Empire.

"I'd like to thank Roger for reminding me."

"I'm just a small hole in a tree and didn't do it..." Roger said politely, and his eyes suddenly stared straight.

The queen of eternal night leaned close with her elbow on the table, and a small hand reached out to wipe a stain off Roger's face.

Your majesty, what do you mean? I can't stand it!

The Queen's beautiful dignified & nbsp; face is only one inch away from herself.

The mysterious fragrance from an unknown source haunts the tip of the nose and makes people feel confused.

But even so close, you can't find any flaws in that little face.

What's more fatal is that the Queen's dress is designed with a low chest!

The action of bending over just brought the chest to Roger's eyes!

[ your Majesty's chest is so white!]

[What are those covers? They can't even compare with the queen's little finger!]

[Oh, no, my penis, please hold back! I want to press the penis... Shit, I can't hold it down!]

[It's over, I'm so rude that I'm going to be erased by the click?]

The queen of the eternal night heard Roger's explosive voice and tried to change her sitting posture in panic, but she didn't get angry. She just looked at Roger.

At this glance, he didn't know whether it was heaven or earth.

Suddenly, she smiled proudly and stood up gracefully.

The wide sleeves blocked Roger's sight.

When his sight recovered, Roger left only the faint light of the transmission array.

The queen has disappeared.

Roger couldn't help thinking:

Could it be that your majesty suddenly praised me for being a good tree hole?

Is this the queen or the Banshee?

Margaret is a succubus, yet, she isn't so tempting after all, is she?

Roger's heartbeat took a long time to calm down.

It's too irresponsible for the queen to run after lifting her hand!


What rubbish is the Queen's feast!

What are those mediocre fat and vulgar powders? The queen is gorgeous!

But Roger had a hunch that he would never forget the scenery in his life.

He must admit, the queen understands him.