Chapter 19: Ingrid

I looked into his green eyes wondering if he was bluffing, wondering if he could really drive that stake into my heart. Either way, he'd already been stabbing my heart with his words from the moment he arrived at my cell.

Despite all my attempts to keep it from happening, tears began to brim my eyes and stream down my cheeks. I was still in love with Aiden, and it hurt that we had reached this point – this point when we were both willing to hurt each other – even kill each other. I still bluffed, poising myself to bite into his neck. I could feel the pointed end of his stake sink into my skin.

I shut my eyes and shook my head. I couldn't do it. I could bluff as much as I wanted to, but I knew that I couldn't possibly drink Aiden's blood. I could tell that he knew it too. I pulled away from him, hating the way my body was trembling as I backed down.